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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21590392 [View]
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>> No.19475847 [View]
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Did I fucking stutter? Mishima's second, no doubt overcome by the sheer glory of that n which he was so honored to partake, may have. But he immediately seppuku'd for it. SPLASHES OF BLOOD ALL AROUND! DOUBLE THE FUCKING HONOR; DOUBLE THE FUCKING GLORY.

>Virgin David
>"Grrreup greep"
>[legs start thrashing a bit]
>[pisses pants]
>"Bllaaar bhuuuuhh"
>[goes limp]
>[farts loudly; probably cums]

>> No.18495132 [View]
File: 6 KB, 219x230, DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT we discuss chilling stories from Infinite Jest

>Man with runny nose suffocates after being gaged by robber

>Woman purse gets stolen, she dies after crying: "He stole my hearth!"

>> No.18461276 [View]
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S-sorry anon. Didn't mean to channel my inner 'the key' guy.

>> No.18257496 [View]
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>> No.18112584 [View]
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BEE Writes about how empty rich people are.
DFW Writes about why they're empty.

>> No.18095546 [View]
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Here you go, bud.

>> No.17906759 [View]
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>> No.17895671 [View]
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Assuming they can speak the same language, what would a conversation between Socrates and DFW sound like?

>> No.17517655 [View]
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>> No.17482083 [View]
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>mfw I will never be able to translate a decade of online tutorials, programming manuals, and shitposts into book form to proudly display on a shelf to impress all zero of my house guests

>> No.17423647 [View]
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The pain never went away for me, you can only distract yourself fren. Buy yourself a copy of Infinite Jest and a bottle of whiskey I guess.

>> No.17305108 [View]
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best last book to read?

>> No.17005026 [View]
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Why did he do it bros?
He was set for life financially, was a literary legend, had a wife. If he couldn’t write any more why didn’t he just retire and read for the rest of his life?

>> No.16973120 [View]
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How do you talk to normies without combusting with autism after reading serious philosophy and literature?

>> No.16905791 [View]
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Yes. he was published young, Got that English degree everyone shits on. Went on to teach and had financial success. Supposedly he hung himself because he had no more interest in writing and that was the only thing keeping the depression at bay. Some might find him funny looking, but those who went to his colleges said he had no problem getting laid. No amount of dogs and wives or money will change the shit nature of life on earth. The roller coaster called life on earth is broken. Quit birthing more children to put through the grinder. Retards,

By merit or meme he is on the LITLISTS. What more could he have done than shown us there is no redemption in succeeding at writing?

>> No.16904775 [View]
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I had so much on my mind. I was so glad. . .
>when I died.

>> No.16238880 [View]
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This is the general for discussion of literature as intended by the sticky.

As the rest of the board can’t be helped this is all that is left. Forced into a minority position in the board it was made for, much like the fate that awaits white Americans and Europeans.

>> No.15012594 [View]
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>you couldn’t stop this qt guy from being consumed by modern society
It’s not fair bros, why couldn’t he have been happy being an attractive guy? Did someone encourage this? Were they a woman?

>> No.13872891 [View]
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The brain is infinitely complex and has many levels of 'knowledge'. Items of knowledge can be learned, conditioned, imprinted, or genetically hardwired in - each type more powerful than the last.

NEET has learned that the benefits of hiking and other such recreations outweigh those of anime/fapping, but knowledge of the benefits of anime/fapping are conditioned in through years of stimulus-action-reward repitition. Conditioning is experiential and learning is abstract and intellectual, and experiential knowledge always seems more real than abstract knowledge because it engages a part of the brain that is billions of years older than the part responsible for abstract reasoning. Despite all our culture, we're animals first, then mammals, then primates, then humans.

DFW has a short story (Good Old Neon) about a guy who intellectually grasps all the intricacies of the causes and effects of his mental illness, but even so cannot stop engaging in his compulsive behaviors. Learned knowledge is not enough. Just look at DFW himself, the dude wrote so much about overcoming nihilism and depression and still an heroed. Or JBP, who wrote arguably the best self-help book of recent years and still couldn't stay off benzos.

This is a big reason why psychologists today focus on medication + behavioral modification, rather than the 'talking cure'. They work on a deeper, more animal level than the prefrontal cortex or wherever it is that semantics and reasoning takes place in. Also a big reason people advocate psychedelics to break free of depression or anxiety, actually experiencing a world that's peaceful and harmonious trumps simply rationalizing a beautiful world while your senses detect a hell-world.

>> No.13792125 [View]
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>> No.13788216 [View]
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>> No.13787478 [View]
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>> No.30419 [View]
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>we finally learn how he felt in those last second

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