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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18152217 [View]
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I used to think stuff like that but in later years, and not because of sex, since I still get none, I have come to think that women are undeniably superior to men and that their only inferiority is in being physically weaker. Which does not matter, in the big picture: since the age of 11/12, women have to familiarize themselves with physical pain. Each month they go through random bleeding, abdominal pain, headache, hormonal changes, and still manage to get through the day - and through years, without going crazy for the cumulative weight that being sick for a week every month would bring to a man. As if this was not enough, when they are over their bodies goes crazy through menopause, which, if you look through google, can give you all kinds of crazy symptoms, only they are not localized in a month period, now, but will come randomly (random headaches, random changes of body temperature, random aches in random parts of the body that just don't go away) and may just last until you die. To all this you must add that your body is designed to be torn up so that a baby can pass through it and be born, which means literally that the blood inside your body and the calcium inside your bones will go into a baby making you literally frailer than you ever where - plus, you have to go through the gorey ordeal of having your womb torn up after none months, likely shitting yourself in the process, and pooping out the placenta and all sort of other shit beside your baby. It's worse than a horror movie, but if you are a woman, that's just what you do, and people just assume you'll do it like that. Women can unironically get PTSD from giving birth, which is understandable, considering that it's basically like being awake during a surgical operation, for those who stay awake - and many do, during many parts of a process that can last several hours because, yes, babies can take several hours to be born. I took nine hours, for instance. I'm sorry mum.
If you are a woman, your body is basically made to go through the largest amount of physical pain possible without the need of external intervention, but since we are not happy with that we also have to consider that being a woman also means to be alone in a world where half the people are physically stronger than you, bigger than you and want to pierce you with their dicks. Imagine being a woman alone in a room full of men and knowing that you are smaller and physically weaker than each of them and that each of them has an ingrained instinct to pur their dick in you. Doesn't sound so fun for me.
The absolutely surprising thing for me is how women put up with physical pain basically their whole lives, being weaker then men and yet forced to endure pain, either by men or by their own bodies, and still carry on with it.

>> No.18130796 [View]
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An old nun.

The only ground on which you can believe, in the current day and age, that we are not allowed to re-define the meanings and rule of sex is by appealing to nature, which is a notoriously slippery slope, philosophically speaking. Human beings have the power to modify nature, including the nature of sex and the rules of sexual interaction between man and woman, and you - as well as all others - have no argument whatsoever as to the why one should not do it. The only argument peterson and other cringy perennialist keep coming up with is that doing certain things is unnatural or contradicts some metaphysical order of which they cannot demonstrate the existence. Truth is, we are the establishers of order. Everything that human beings can do happen in nature and all our powers are developed as a consequence of natural development and are, therefore, natureal: they are an extension of natural development. Which is why the category of nature has no weight in establishing values: everything that exists is natural. Our ability to modify ourselves and the rules defining our sexual nature is simply an extension of our technological nature, through which we extend our power to instruments such as weapons in order to modify our power and our environments. We are now taking conscience that our body is not at all different from a tool, and that we are free to modify it as we like. If you could choose to incarnate yourself in a good looking, powerful, beautiful avatar, what's your argument for not doing it? Why should you be confined into an ugly, weak, sexually inadapt body, if your mind wants otherwise? There is no reason for you to not exercise your power in any possible direction with all possible means on all possible objects, including yourself, your body, and your sexuality. If your choices were wrong, you'll be selected out of existence. But again, there is no normativity in the environment that selects whether you win or lose the evolutionary race: environments are not "natural", they are randomly generated by random events, which is why five mass exctinctions occurred before the current one. Nature does not give a shit if you win or die. Only the mind has the power to modify the environment in its favour, so the mind should dictate what is natural or good - essentially through fictional narratives. We are now discovering that, indeed, most tales about the "natural", the "right", the "good" are fiction. This is making some of you sperging out because people on this board tend to assume all kind of fictional stuff, including anime girls, are somewhat real. But the truth is that mind is making them real, and makes real basically every other frame of meaning you can possibly think of, inlcuding that in which I am an anime girl myself. Again, if I could turn myself into one, what would be your argument for me not doing it?

>> No.18032177 [View]
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The only thing that helps the survival of books in time is the purity of the unadulterated autism of those who will keep enthusiastically talking about certain books through the ages. These people could be writers, academics, or just laypeople: it does not matter, as long as they are on the Spectrum, for the Spectrum within them will keep their speeches flowing. The simple pop product is quickly forgotten and lost to time, but if a book, or any piece of art for what matters, can spark the interest of high functioning autistic people, it will live for a very long time.
Do not despair, anon. Autism is the keeper of beauty, and beauty will save the world.

>> No.14577845 [View]
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Fellow femanons, what are your biggest /lit/ crushes?

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