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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23773704 [View]
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what's your weltanschauung?

>> No.23388572 [View]
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What are the best atheist books that arnt woke and progressive about social justice. I want good arguments for atheism, not a book that cries at the reader because religion is mean to trannies.

>> No.23130802 [View]
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>he can't write small books
I won't read big books

>> No.22906892 [View]
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how did women dominate the literacy world? Most of the publishers, writers and readers are female now?

>> No.22883113 [View]
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>I didn't like the book because I didn't like the MC
do people really?

>> No.22751475 [View]
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why didn't literature get better now that all the midwits left for movies, tv, video games and anime and all the educated people are the consumer?

>> No.22733068 [View]
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why are Christians so dishonest about atheism?

>> No.22620124 [View]
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>> No.22599307 [View]
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what are some political books that strongly influenced you

>> No.22580197 [View]
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because men are told to "deconstruct" their masculinity and are taught what not to do. Now there is a void in what an ideal man is and stoicism is there to fill it

>> No.22492636 [View]
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people here don't really read much

>> No.22486997 [View]
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I live in Toronto and I see Indians men dating far more white or asian women than Indian women do so I really don't get why they complain so much when Indian women don't

>> No.22479889 [View]
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>> No.22461595 [View]
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I need to get out of the city. Living in a crowded place where every seems to be together with a partner or friends gets really demoralizing. Maybe I would feel much better living in a secluded environment

>> No.22427816 [View]
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why are femcel books so popular yet incel books are not?

>> No.22397877 [View]
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has there been a fiction novel that changed you forever?

>> No.22329362 [View]
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Wtf, she seems pretty cool.

>> No.22316032 [View]
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Do you guys read contemporary literature

>> No.22193966 [View]
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why is contemporary literature so dull?

>> No.22100462 [View]
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>started in 1996 and still going on
why do they do this?

>> No.22095364 [View]
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what are some setting, plot or protagonist you instinctively deline to read
>protagonist is a women or poc
>book set in holocaust, antebellum, or africa
>theme of racism, sexism or lgbt issues

>> No.22083315 [View]
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How much actual literature was produced during ancients time, before the advent of printing press and mass production.
Take China for example, they have written many classics over their history. For every classics written, was there 10 or 1000 that were also made but weren't preserved and was forgotten?

>> No.21982184 [View]
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is literature even relevant in modern society anymore? movies, music, even video games spurr more fervor from society

>> No.21951265 [View]
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what's the Ulysses of today?

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