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>> No.16772045 [View]
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>Conservatives are the dumbest people on Earth.
Hhaha I dont doubt you, especially us black conservatives. Thomas Clarence, a hero of mine whom used to spouse
>Now that we can go inside the library its our duty to the RACE to exercise that right everyday
He went and married a white woman. The only brother on the SCOTUS, I have nothing against white people and regard christianity to be a needed force but this intermixing shit its trash and it should have been beneath such a great man.

I mean Blacks are by large god fearing christian and constantly align themselves with Decomcrats and abortion which kills mostly black children.

>> No.16763159 [View]
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Muslim anon here.
This anon is not me.

> I have more faith in people to be responsible
That is essentially what your entire thesis comes down to I fear, and its ironic that you accuse me of being caught by my feelings yet, in your ramblings you did not even bother to refer to or bring to our attention any hard numbers or scientific (even psychological) literature that supports your claims, truely the mark of a modern psychlogist worth his salt.

> In US, I think 24/26 mass shooters are from broken homes
You can try into "Correlation does NOT suggest causation" all day but you will just make yourself out to be someone who does not know what he is stating.

>The whole point of polyamory is to have good communication, properly expressing your emotions, and consent
Freudian phschology if anything proved this was imposible. No amount of communication or care is gonna overcome the strain of the super id and its remaining components of the human phsyche. when it comes to sex, jelously, agression and biological needs run amok. The only way I can describe it is a Hobsian nightmare of an all out warfare, of every man against every man.

Take this case, Tory Ojeda, 20 with 4 live in BFs who was being pushed last year by UK media as a success case of a functioning relationship. One of the men impregnated the woman, by 2020 another of the BFs went to prison for fracturing the childs skull and spine, during his trial he said, what led him to hurt the child was sheer jeslousy and resentment of the male father. Whom should be held responsbile here?

And this is happening increasingly often now, growing in tandem with the increasing single parent issue, Children are at a much greater risk of being abused by a step parent than anyone else.

Animal sexuality and the need to secure an offspring is a volatile proccess, its common behaviour in the animal kingdom for an animal to dispose of his new found mates ofspring, specially mammals, There is allot of scientific literature by leftwing academics that shows this is part of the human psyche as well and does happen increasingly often today.

>...and trans people shouldn’t be able to adopt kids
Why would say such a thing? do you know what the suicide rate of this group is? or the rate they are diagnosed with a range mental illnesses?

I dont really want to have a conversation I think this or that. Please feel free to substantiate your claims externally through peer reviwed papers or credible literature. you are phsycholgisy after all.

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