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>> No.14187899 [View]
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So this is what war is to you? A little escape and adventure from mundanity for a year or two? An ascetic vacation where you become poetic, deep, and "/lit/" by inflicting pain on yourself? You are a LARPer. You are a pretender. There is no god you are fighting for, no great leader, no spoils of war, no beautiful culture to spread, no invasive force you are bravely defending your women and children from.

What history are you going to be a part of? Who is going to read about the 2003 Iraq war, or the 2001 Afghanistan, and see anything but an idiotic blunder? All you will receive from future historians is pity, or, disdain. "Oh the poor baby, he couldn't afford to go to school so he enlisted :(" or "What an idiot, he signed up to fight in a pointless war that accomplished nothing."

What are you fighting for? You are a human sacrifice, so that the military-industrial complex's life is renewed. Every year the US federal budget is reviewed, and every year the pentagon receives an immense sum. Why? Because there is a war going on. There is always a war. Without constant war, they would not be able to justify this. For there to be war, there must be soldiers fighting. You are a blood sacrifice so that stockholders may profit off of the american taxpayer.

There is nothing beautiful, heroic, proud, or poetic about fighting a meaningless war. I know you kids feel emasculated by this idiotic world. I know you think that life is meaningless, and you escape to your history books to get by. I know you've all read about Martel, Nobunaga, Guan Yu, Alexander, and countless other heroes and wish so deeply to be like them. I know you've read the war diaries of Junger, or read the medal citations of Murphy and Basilone. I know you're envious of how profound and meaningful their lives are compared to yours.

But you will not find these feelings as some green beret in Syria. You will realize that you are nothing but a thug, working for a machine that makes money for an elite class, while everyone you care about sees none of it.

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