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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.8400099 [View]
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How do you cope with the fact that everything is phony (inb4 dismissed for being like Holden)?

Literary theory is bs made up so that people can leech off of academia and get easy degrees.

Social scientists are idiots and weaponised by dishonest journalists as the new secular prophets telling people what to think / why they're shit.

Morality is never practised. A politician who kills innocent people is more popular than one who says politically incorrect things.

So many current novels are merely narcissistic barely disguised memoirs or written by people with zero life experience.

Science and maths are practised mostly within hideously subsidised and bloated academic institutions.

Sex and portrayals of success are shoved in your face wherever you go through songs and pictures. But you're not allowed to say you want any of it.

90+ % of jobs could be done by everyone and only recruit based on looks and personality.

Literature is not an oasis, not one bit.

>> No.8382005 [View]
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>Mein Kampf was such an unintelligent and badly written book! Hitler was a poopy head!

>> No.8362223 [View]
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My thirteen year old brother goes to parties and I still haven't gone to one.

>> No.8361317 [View]
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Are memes anti-intellectual?

>> No.8352566 [DELETED]  [View]
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Are memes anti-intellectual?

>> No.8351084 [SPOILER]  [View]
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i know about the tv series but i wasen't alive in the 80s plus it's not fun knowing the ayy lmaos will btfo them in the end contrary to the book
<pic i used to eat cupcake liners after i had finished the cupcake in kindergarten

>> No.8296916 [View]
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>tfw you don't even read books anymore because you can't bear to give up on Nicholas Nickleby and if you give it up then you'll be considered a definitive pleb
>tfw so much literature is self indulgent UNENJOYABLE no fun allowed bullshit
>tfw pomo trash takes this to another level and the forced lol so randumb sense of humour is excruciating
>tfw mccarthy is genuine trash with only the road being worthwhile
>tfw the academia-media-publishing industrial complex and its lackeys (many of whom browse /lit/) treat literature as not enjoyment but as a medium to tee off their ramblings and to try to gain cultural capital by talking about their tastes
>tfw reading is as much a pointless worthless status symbol as travelling (lit is the pseuds equivalent of instagram whores)
>tfw laughing when watching the dying embers of reverse-fedoras praising religion as profound when Stirner lays it all out for all to see
>tfw stirner doesn't even say anything that a non common unpretentious person doesn't know, it's just that lit doesn't listen to any idea unless it has been presented by a published author

>> No.8258285 [View]
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I read Euthyphro and Cratylus. Isn't the answer obvious in both cases? It's all subjective and piety and names are defined through axioms?

My own thoughts: Honestly, I'm not impressed. I think this is what philosophy is like when you don't have 2000 years of prior literature to endlessly cite and regurgitate and worship. You quickly come to the conclusion that you can't really know anything except your inability to really know anything. When you ask philosophy lovers about this you get a huge amount of obfuscation and unwillingness to seriously confront the ONE thing that Socrates knew during his death, that he knew nothing other than his inability to know anything.

Why do people pretend that the Munchhausen trilemma can be overcome? Every unfalsifiable search space is infinitely large. I get the impression that Philosophy is 99 % marketing.

>> No.8256461 [View]
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Why should I care about people's books and pretend to care about their aspects of the human condition when no one cares about the fact that I can't get girls because I'm a non Chad and they think I'm a bad person just for bringing this up?

Seems hypocritical to me.

Seem like they want all the attention and money for themselves.

>> No.8247600 [View]
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>read Phaedo
>Socrates gets asked how he knows the soul is immortal
>he says it's immortal by definition
>"omg Socrates, you've done it again!"

Ah well, it's a bit more canon cred but I gained no pleasure from this.

>> No.8230275 [View]
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>tfw you don't even read books anymore because you can't bear to give up on Nicholas Nickleby and if you give it up then you'll be considered a definitive pleb
>tfw so much literature is self indulgent UNENJOYABLE no fun allowed bullshit
>tfw pomo trash takes this to another level
>tfw mccarthy is genuine trash with only the road being worthwhile
>tfw the academia-media-publishing industrial complex and its lackeys (many of whom browse /lit/) treat literature as not enjoyment but as a fountain of wisdom
>tfw reading is as much a pointless worthless status symbol as travelling (lit is the pseuds equivalent of instagram whores)
>tfw laughing when watching the dying embers of reverse-fedoras praising religion as profound when Stirner lays it all out for all to see
>tfw stirner doesn't even say anything that a non common unpretentious person doesn't know, it's just that lit doesn't listen to any idea unless it has been presented by a published author

>> No.8228208 [View]
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Looking for books to read. Nothing about politics or economics. Fiction and Non Fiction are both acceptable. Looking specifically for something not just any Tom, Dick, or Harry has read before. Something not so out there or well known. But it has to be well informative, interesting, or something along those lines. Much appreciated.

>> No.8226255 [View]
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>I haven't seen the film

>> No.8220521 [View]
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>What is with popular scientists/empiricists and being insufferable pedants?
He is proposing something that many political scientists would support(deliberate democracy, Popper's piecemeal social engineering), albeit in brief manner. How is that pedantic?
>empiricism has limitations
Are you a neo-Kantian?

>> No.8219698 [View]
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>I'm a girl
>but I'm trans

>> No.8216300 [View]
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>yfw you write something and its really fucking bad

>> No.8210436 [View]
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>> No.8167875 [View]
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>Socrates / Aristotle / Shakespeare / Adam Smith say something extremely obvious or maybe just a platitude
>a pseud brings up their quote and presents it as something insightful

Every time lads

>> No.8131171 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why is Literary Fiction so overwrought? Am I REALLY supposed to care?

I believe that all women have lives on easy mode and that all men would push me off a cliff if it meant they had a 0.00001 % higher chance of sex with an attractive woman. Where the fuck is my huge well of empathy meant to be coming from? Why should I care about modern Literary Fiction, which is often a very self indulgent vehicle for an author's autobiographical vignettes?

>> No.8123621 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why should I care about people's books and pretend to care about their aspects of the human condition when no one cares about the fact that I can't get girls because I'm a non Chad and they think I'm a bad person just for bringing this up?

Seems hypocritical to me.

Seem like they want all the attention and money for themselves.

>> No.8101292 [View]
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>Victorian novel is a messy toilet where the novelist took 9001 laxatives and shat out everything he has ever thought or seen without regard to prose, plot, novel structure,or reader enjoyment and the pseudo intellectuals line up to use it as a Rorshach test to tee off all of their unfalsifiable pseudo intellectual "scholarship"

Every time lads. This shit is killing literature.

>> No.8094383 [View]
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>Vast majority of people in this thread are using anything other than Word or LibreOffice

You guys cannot be serious, right?

>> No.8066214 [View]
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>certain unexplored areas are slightly more interesting in the eye of the public the others
>"Philosophers" and "Humanities" "scholars" pile in to these areas with shitloads of books, newspaper articles, seminars, study groups, courses, television appearances, new job titles (mainly created through the addition of suffixes), jargon filled journal articles, and degrees
>institutions claim a monopoly over the ability to make any "worthwhile" speculations about these areas
>the "failure" of the scientific method is advertised far and wide
>Hegel and Marx are shown to have predicted everything already
>the bust of Aristotle sheds a tear on the chalk

>> No.8054740 [View]
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>'hardbody' to describe a person

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