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>> No.16608311 [View]
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I have to disagree. It is not the middle class that is most open to Marxism and communism. Depending on what exactly you mean by "Marxism" and "communism" - most likely the liberalized neo-Marxist shortsighted cancer that concerns itself with the immediate destruction of all things present in service of international Capital, as opposed to organizing all people under the leadership of Labor to create a grander society to succeed our world as a long term project - then I would still maintain it is the working class, the lumpenproletariat, degenerate and disaffected middle class outcasts (homosexuals, pedophiles, free lovers, trannies, ethnic minorities), and the international bourgeoisie.

The lumpenproletariat and the proletariat are confined within their nation against their will. They are coerced into giving every ounce of labor to their nation in exchange for pennies while their rulers engage in decadent hedonism, all the while the middle and ruling classes look down upon them as cultural refuse, only barely tolerating their existence because their labor is the backbone of their nation. Their allegiance does not align with the nation, nor any other class or nation, their class desire is the destruction of their own nation in a fit of myopic vengeance.

The international bourgeoisie, unlike the lumpen and the proles, have achieved cosmopolitan status. Open borders already exists, and has already existed for over a 100 years - just only for Capital. They are citizens of the world first, citizens of their nation second. While not bound by their nation's borders - from their position as the cosmopolitan elites - the concept of nationalism and a people defined by the land they have inhabited for millennia is savage, archaic, and most importantly limiting to their own vision of expanding capitalism to new markets. Their allegiance is not to the nation, as they are above the nation. They seek the destruction of the nation so as to "enlighten" the working classes to the world of open borders that Capital has alone enjoyed for a century.

It is the middle class who are the most ardent anticommunists. Not bound to their nation against their will like the vengeful worker, not citizens of the world by choice like the conniving globalist. Their allegiance is to the land that has provided most fruitfully for them, their families, their ancestors and their progeny. If the working classes are the backbone of the nation, then the middle classes are the soul of the nation. They are the only obstacle that stands between the communist workers and the international capitalists from the complete annihilation of the nation and the world as we know it. The fate of the middle class and the nation is eternally intertwined, such that it may as well be observed that the middle class IS the nation.

With enough power comes the opportunity to choose to live virtuously. This opportunity is denied to the exploited poor, and rejected by the greedy rich.

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