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>> No.21028784 [View]
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>someone sincerely wrote this
the only people who listen to critics are other critics lol

op is correct in saying that critics are worthless

>> No.14660723 [View]
File: 90 KB, 965x1024, laughin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>December 9th
Made some posts on the website 4chan. Both on /r9k/.

First post,
How do you deal with the existential crisis?
>somehow exist
>another version of this highly successful species of weirdos who are over-reliant on words to communicate ideas
>fucking animals and plants and rocks and skies and oceans and fucking dirt oh man the fucking dirt is everywhere
>don't even know if dirt is a rock or a plant or something else
>electricity and fire and thunder and the fucking moon and sun
>The species I'm part of has invented a whole bunch of stuff, including computers, bombs, cars, books, CD's, phones, lemons, ect.
>Could very easily wipe out all life on earth but don't because, aw, we wub each other after all
>Tfw some entity getting sensory input and expected to send input back to receive desired effects
This is so fucking weird bros. Look at this image. This is what I wake up to every day. You see a jumbled mess of nonsense. That's what I see walking outside. It's pretty, very much so, but it's weird. (Image posted was love.jpg)

Second post
>Go to the psychiatrist
>Tell him "I'm having trouble adjusting to this reality."
>He asks "What do you mean?"
>I wave my arms around and signal to the stuff around me, "This, any of this, it makes no sense."
>He says "Well, you're in a building talking to me. It makes perfect sense."
>Say "Why is there anything in the first place? How is there anything at all? Why is it like this?"
>"These are questions no one has answers for, Anon."
> Say "But it's right there, right in front of me, all the time. I don't know what I am or how I exist. This whole thing is freaky. It's like a waking dream."
>"I'm going to recommend Prozac."
>Say "I don't want pills. I want to know how to deal with this."
>"Try gaining an interest in mathematics. Session time is up. that'll be 200$.
>Refuse to make another appointment and leave
Gee, thanks for the advice "Go to a therapist." Guys. It was as useful as a glass hammer.

>> No.14648313 [View]
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>He doesn't see the point to questions

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