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>> No.15326785 [View]
File: 851 KB, 2733x1807, i didn't think of iraqis as humans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>History is created by strong, brave men

History is created by material incentives. Stop huffing the "great man theory" fart.

> that conquered and built the country you're leeching on.

So when "strong brave men" invade and leech off land, it's "conquering." But when anyone else does it, it's leeching.

Everything you attribute to some inherent superiority or supremacy is the result of happenstance. Inheritance. Privilege (make sure you take a moment seethe, dilate, and cope at this word because SJWs use it). Genetic lottery.

You can be the most chad alpha with the best muscles, raised by the best family, went to the best schools, born in the best house, with the best genes, and the most powerful friends. All it means is that you won a lottery. Anything you think of as a "good choice" is just the result of you being gifted a better brain. Thank happenstance, God, or the universe for giving you the gifts you have. Don't thank yourself. That's peak egotism. To be an egotist is to be unlucky, for it means you aren't even aware of the source of your gifts. You attribute everything to the individual. But the individuals are just the manifestations of their material conditions. Products of their environment.

For example, imagine if you were born to drug addicts in a third world country with birth defects and getting bombs dropped on you and your natural resources strip mined by American corporations. There is no series of "good decisions" and "chad moves" you could make to get out of that situation. Your situation is largely inherited. A luck of the draw. You happened to get a good situation so you reverse engineer an explanation to attribute that happenstance to yourself. Even your good decisions are the result of a brain you were lucky to get.

make sure you seethe, dilate, and cope at this image too

have sex

> Wars created all the technology we have today and that are literally saving our lives, computers, internet, connection systems, phones, anything, if you take any of those things away, world will stop.

Fuck off. You will never go to war. And if you do, it'll be in the context of being a first worlder dropping bombs on villagers. That doesn't make you brave. It's a career that literally has a lower chance of death than being a sanitation worker. You drank the patriotism koolaid like a typical rightoid. A Yemeni geurilla suffering in a modern cholera epidemic is much braver than the American air force pilot dropping a MOAB on some villagers in Afghanistan.

As for wars "creating technology" technologies are created all the time whether in peace or in war. The material incentives to innovate, invent, and produce are there whether or not people are killing each other. It's just that, when there's war, the incentive is to make swords instead of plowshares.

The actual bravest people in the world aren't these great decision makers. They're born into scary situations and forced to handle them whether they like it not.

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