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>> No.11862794 [View]
File: 282 KB, 432x653, 1508894613268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11324788 [View]
File: 282 KB, 432x653, 1528966675462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go live in the woods in isolation (bring a dog if you can care for it)
Live off the land and journal your pondering during the silence. You'll learn more than you would reading the words of dead men.

In 50 years this will never be achievable again.

>> No.10502290 [View]
File: 282 KB, 432x653, 1514853264076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just keep smoking and smoking and smoking. I think a lot about how I never wanted to be like my alcoholic dad and here I am. Indulging in excess on a chemical that I know will hurt my already feeble mind. I barely can keep focus on anything anymore.

I am nothing but a leech and pretender who can not even hold down a regular 9-5 job. I did not pay attention in school. I focus all my cards on love and it is clear I won't be able to do anything worthwhile in my life. I think about Stoner from time to time.

I have no talents. I wasted the time I had to develop them running away into virtual realms. All I have is empathy, love. respect, admiration, and time.

So here I am. Off the map finally. I finally got away to learn I never could have left. Now I'm stuck in limbo and I don't know what to do. I wish I knew proper grammar. I wish I had a bigger vocabulary. I want to help others but I barely function. I'm so sorry. I would do anything, take any form, to stop the pain in everyone's heart. I'm sorry I sit here thinking if I just keep typing and typing things will improve. Ha. Kaizen. What a joke.

I was barely cognizant before but I know the reality is nothing has changed. Now I just feel worse. Now I understand how long I have been dead for.

I love anons. From one big pretentious pseudo brainlet. Please don't hate yourself. Please take care of yourself. And if you can do me a favor. Shoot me.

>> No.10479105 [View]
File: 282 KB, 432x653, 1508454515706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an amazing painting. Have a related meme, friend.

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