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>> No.12007828 [View]
File: 39 KB, 825x464, evil-dead-2-timeline-explained-bruce-campbell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh, suicide talk is too depressing.

besides, when confronted with absolute despair the answer is neither An Hero nor I'll An Hero You but Chaplinesque suffering at the hands of a low-budget demonic thing from beyond. Ash Williams is in the B-movie pantheon along with Snake Plissken for precisely this reason. horror > puritanical rage, but comedy > horror. it was humor that made Schwarzenegger the star that he was, and a lack of humor that doomed Seagal. and it was humor that made the Evil Dead films more than meme slashers.

Uncle Nick doesn't have much of a sense of humor. nor did Heidegger. i'm not actually sure i would want to know what kind of jokes Heidegger would laugh at. most philosophers don't have much of a sense of humor, it seems. they're usually too fucked up. i can't really think of a time when i read something in one of those books that actually made me laugh (except Baudrillard, he's got some pretty crisp one-liners, but they're rare). Han tells no jokes, Girard either. Burnout is for real but i don't advocate suicide. it's still a form of violence, in the end, and violence displeases the committee. true, Chaplinesque suffering at the hands of the demonic is also violence, but it's also often a question of self-defense, and movie action heroes of the first rank do not have Bane's permission to die.

this is how you deal with the Outside, imho. in the Evil Dead films there is nothing like the polis. sometimes it's just shitty versions of you kicking you in the balls until you find your boomstick. or your axe, if you're Van Zan. but even then he needed Quinn's help. i knew those film theory classes would come in handy someday.

thank you for this, anon. Marty Glass, absolute legend. the scans are always really welcome.

well, that's great to hear. it's certainly been a fun adventure, i had no idea we would get to this point when things started. or, for that matter, how long they're going to continue. but personally it's been a red-letter day. looking forward to more tomorrow.

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