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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17598076 [View]
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>he thinks Hellenistc city states are part of the same nation
Athenians annoyed everybody.
You need to start earlier with pre-Heraclean hero myths, then Iliad and Odyssey, then the lyric poets and Herodotus.
If you don't do this you won't have a proper understanding to contextualise the Peloponnesian war.
>taking the republic literally
you're ngmi
indeed, /pol/ was a mistake, you losers have managed to sour Sir Mosley's legacy with your cringegay American anime fascism, fucking CIA ops losers just as bad as Frankfurt School leftism (defanged neoliberal overflow mechanism).

>> No.17591926 [View]
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/pol/ peaked with Trump and has been circling the drain ever since.
The final nails in the coffin seemed to be the_donald being shut down, qboomers treating everything with eschatological fervour, trannys gays and their corporate backers inverting puritanical morality into a sabatean frankist bachanal of transgressive sin.
These differing currents have coalesced into a uniquely American sociopolitical shitstorm which pervades a solipsism into everything it touches, and which has come to typify much of the discourse throughout the 'West', certainly anything coming from America.

>> No.17588648 [View]
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>done a number
>rent free

>> No.17062544 [View]
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A Hero of Our Time by Lermontov, actually pretty much anything dealing in Byronic heroism.
Extra curricular activites include kicking shit into swole cunts and nabbing their birds.

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