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>> No.21059552 [View]
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Perhaps special isn't the right word. "Non-conformist" is more accurate, or neurodivergent. But, even among the 'true' non-conformists and neurodivergents there is conformity and similarity.
There are always people who will go against the grain, but, usually they will conform to the 'non-conformist' side. They are those who are simply habitually contrarian and edgy. Then there are the neurodivergents. The neurodivergents are the closest thing to 'special', but, still, there are always similarities.
The contrarians and neurodivergents are the natural left, whereas the current left are the manufactured 'left'. This is one of the main issues with the current left. They exist in a state of paradox. They are supposed to be the atypical underdog contrarian deconstructionist critics, yet they find themselves in the position of establishment. They don't seem to know what the fuck to do, and since most who have adopted the doctrine are naturally conformist and neurotypical (conform to the dominant ideology and are motivated by status within the dominant group) they're completely mind-raped and lost in a sea of absurd contradiction. They have to be different, but the same. Don't you dare rock the boat or be controversial, but also be rebellious and stand out.
Shit's comically fucked.
When speaking of contrarian neurodivergents I'm mostly talking about the schizos and autists. The psychopathic/NPD/BPD etc. neurodivergents will be attracted to status and are likely more similar to the neurotypicals ideologically, though their motivations will be heightened to an unhealthy degree (pyshcopaths/NPD seeking status, BPD seeking attention). I would only really consider schizos and autists to be 'truly neurodivergent' (in this context in particular) since the motivations in other personality disorders are usually just heightened motivations that are the same as a 'normal' person's, whereas schizos and autists can often be a little peculiar in that regard - and also personality disorders are a bit of a meme, a useful meme, but a bit of a meme, but that's a whole other rant.

tl;dr: Special as defined by great success through non-conformity and neurodivergence. The very successful creatives. They are the great heroes of the day and will be emulated. Monke see, monke do.

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