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>> No.17614677 [View]
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I'm kinda bummed out how people seem to consider non-cis people freaks. The way people talk about it, it's like they're some kind of slavering degenerates, when actually most are just normal people who look and act normal. It might be "trendy" right now, so I can't speak for anyone just pretending, I guess, and I'll agree that a lot of the more convoluted and obscure ones are probably a result of "tumblr individualism" but most people just want a definition they can point to and say, "that's me".

I'm aroace, but it's not like anyone actually knows unless I tell them. It's not that I decided to be aroace, either. I spent my whole adolescence hemming and hawing over whether I'm straight, or gay, or bi, because obviously, I had to be one of those. Those were the only options, right? But it never felt right, because I never understood what anybody talked about. The way people described sexual attraction and butterflies, and love sounded like exaggerations or romanticism. I thought that's what it was. And then one day, I randomly stumbled over a definition of aroace, and I thought: "Oh, that's me! Now I know what I am!" And I was happy. That's it. That's all it is.

It's just bumming me out that people consider me a degenerate for that. This is 4chan, so it's not like I take it personally, but still. After a while it kind of gets to you. That's all.

>> No.12540811 [View]
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I'm desperate.

Where do you guys get information? Obscure facts and whatever. Where do find compendiums?

There are so many things that I want to research and google doesn't fucking work. All I get are top 10 lists showing the same ten info snippets that don't explain fucking anything.

I have this problem with basically anything I want to know. Medieval tools and clothing, archaic terms for shit, how people did stuff, why people did that stuff. Hell, sometimes I just want to know why certain foods are holiday foods.

For example, right now I want to know what the liver symbolizes in mythology. A lot of folklore creatures eat only the liver, the thing with prometheus, etc. I mean yeah, it's the organ that "moderates qi", but a 5 line paragraph on yahoo answers can't be all there is to know- this shit is intercultural.

Or, I want to focus on specific areas for example, native american folklore. And all I can fucking find are coyote, thunderbird, skinwalker, EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT A FUCKING SKINWALKER IS!

Japanese folklore is the fucking worst too. Do you have ANY IDEA how many japanese monsters there are? A stupid amount, and everytime you looks for ANYTHING japanese you get the same 15 monsters. It doesn't even matter WHAT you're looking for.

I'm getting really fucking frustrated constantly being stoned-walled by fucking top ten lists and pages that've been dead since 2003. Or worst of all, company bios.

is this the right place to ask this?

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