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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15280462 [View]
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One of the most well-read people alive has made the following beginner's guide to the Western canon. How did pic related do?

The Bible (KJV)
Homer- Iliad
Homer- Odyssey
Aeschylus- Oresteia
Sophocles- Theban Plays
Euripides- Medea, Hippolytus
Aristophanes- Lysistrata
Plato- Death of Socrates (Five Dialogues)
Aristotle- Poetics, Metaphysics, Ethics
Virgil- Aeneid
Ovid- Metamorphoses
Poetry of Propertius
Poetry of Catullus
Poetry of Horace
Works of Livy
Dante- Divine Comedy
Boccaccio- Decameron
Chaucer- Canterbury Tales
Thomas Malory- Le Morte D'Arthur
Cervantes- Don Quixote
Machiavelli- The Prince
Erasmus- In Praise of Folly
Works of Shakespeare
Poetry of John Donne
John Milton- Paradise Lost
Jonathan Swift- Gulliver's Travels
Daniel Defoe- Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders
Emily Brontë- Wuthering Heights
Charlotte Brontë- Jane Eyre
Anne Brontë- The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Charles Dickens- David Copperfield, Bleak House
William Makepeace Thackeray- Vanity Fair
George Eliot- Middlemarch
Harriet Beecher Stowe- Uncle Tom's Cabin
Mark Twain- Huckleberry Finn
Herman Melville- Moby Dick
Works of Jane Austen
Virginia Woolf- Mrs. Dalloway
F. Scott Fitzgerald- The Great Gatsby
Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
Edith Wharton- House of Mirth
Thomas Mann- Death in Venice
J.R.R. Tolkien- Lord of the Rings Trilogy

>> No.14334522 [View]
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Does anyone else watch this boomer for his obscure book recommendations? You will have to fast-forward through his rants on trump/kids these days/4chan incels/the alt right/dogs.

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