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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21674400 [View]
File: 717 KB, 2587x3257, Caspar_David_Friedrich's_Chalk_Cliffs_on_Rügen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is true but the question remains did they manage to do that because of christianity or despite of it?
For example the church tried to stop great projects of conquistadors. It was also instrumental in ending formal slavery and early feminism started under christian banner.
You can play rhetorical game that its about the equality of the soul but in practice it always seem to seek abolition of all hierarchy and distinction and great leveling of humanity.
>You're an animal.
This is a compliment. Most animals in nature are free, perfect and beatiful. Unlike deformed obese mass of humanity
Most egaliterian society produces the least actual true art. But there are enough examples from the past to last you several lifetimes

>> No.16941747 [View]
File: 717 KB, 2587x3257, Caspar_David_Friedrich's_Chalk_Cliffs_on_Rügen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ canon age by age
with no philosophical "deep" garbage for once (essayism is welcome though).
you can make your own timeline divisions of course

1) archaic. iliad, odyssey.
2) classical. alcaeus, sappho, pindar, aeschylus, sophocles, euripides, herodotus, thucydides.
3) hellenistic and roman. callimachus, apollonius rhodius, theocritus, plutarch, lucian. lucretius, virgil, oratius, ovid, seneca, pliny the elder, apuleius, lucan, statius, tacitus.
4) except for the gospels, there is a substantial void in literature spanning from the 3rd century to the 10th century. so if you got memed by modern liberal "scholars" into believing the midde ages were not an epoch of absolute darkness and intellectual nonage, this is your chance to redeem your knowledge.
5) carolingian "middle ages". anglo-saxon elegies, chanson de roland, cantar de mio cid, jaufré rudel, arnaut daniel, william IX, sturluson, marco polo, dante, petrarca, boccaccio, chaucer.
6) italian renaissance. leon battista alberti, enea piccolomini, pontanus, politianus, pomponius laetus, machiavelli, guicciardini.
7) late renaissance - early modern - baroque. bembo, ariosto, castiglione, rabelais, erasmus, moore. tasso, giordano bruno, montaigne, sarpi, marlowe, shakespeare, cervantes, calderon. grotius, burton, böhme, donne, browne, milton, cyrano, rochefoucauld, sain-evremond, moliere, silesius, bunyan, bayle, shaftesbury, swift, lesage.
8) enlightenment. montesquieu, voltaire, diderot, d'alembert, rousseau, sterne, defoe, pope, samuel johnson, hume, gibbon, lessing, winckelmann, lichtenberg.
9) romanticism. thomson, edward young, thomas gray, macpherson, goethe, schiller, burke, erasmus darwin, byron, shelley, foscolo, leopardi, puskin, schopenhauer (not just a philosopher), lamartine, chénier. religious/mystical: brockes, klopstock, herder, blake, coleridge, keats, holderlin, novalis, ruckert, hoffmann, chateaubriand, hugo, de vigny, nerval.
10) insustrial age. stendhal, poe, manzoni, gogol, melville, baudelaire, tocqueville, emerson, renan, balzac, flaubert, maupassant, tolstoj, dostoevskij, anatole france, ibsen, mallarmé, rimbaud, verlaine, henry james, wilde, nietzsche, strindberg.

i left the 20th century out because this is taking too much time.

>> No.13739542 [View]
File: 717 KB, 2587x3257, Caspar_David_Friedrich's_Chalk_Cliffs_on_Rügen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caspar David Friedrich

>> No.13342636 [View]
File: 717 KB, 2587x3257, Caspar_David_Friedrich's_Chalk_Cliffs_on_Rügen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know it wasn't a solid argument, but you can't deny that in the XIX century life and art used to be more beautiful than in our current time. I'm not advocating for that specific age being the most beautiful ever

>> No.13237120 [View]
File: 717 KB, 2587x3257, Caspar_David_Friedrich's_Chalk_Cliffs_on_Rügen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no better artist than God, ergo nature is the supreme art masterpiece

>> No.12950328 [View]
File: 717 KB, 2587x3257, 1536381307623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post shit and get shit on.

Old thread: >>12919649

>> No.11751694 [View]
File: 739 KB, 2587x3257, Caspar_David_Friedrich's_Chalk_Cliffs_on_Rügen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm glad you agree. it's the zenith of the western civilization for me

>> No.8523418 [View]
File: 739 KB, 2587x3257, Caspar_David_Friedrich's_Chalk_Cliffs_on_Rügen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to read and understand being and time, a critique of pure reason, and phenominology of the spirit without any supplementary material or background on the books?

>> No.5014774 [View]
File: 739 KB, 2587x3257, Caspar_David_Friedrich's_Chalk_Cliffs_on_Rügen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trope of "some cunt staring off into the distance" is a very common one in German romanticism, especially Casper David Friedrich painted it a million times, here's "Kreidefelsen auf Rügen" (Chalk rocks on Rügen, an island)

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