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>> No.11991855 [View]
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one of the basic things (read: facial tic) about these threads is a continual uncanny doppelganger relation Cosmotech may/may not with Derrida. perhaps not unlike the way that 2nd-wave feminism had an uncanny doppelganger in neoliberalism (see Nancy Fraser for more details), i have always had a kind of deep Issue with Doomsday Jacques Derrida.

basically, it's that Derrida Set Us Up The Bomb, in a way. i am ultimately profoundly skeptical about deconstruction's notions of a democracy-to-come, and it has taken some combination of both Uncle Nick and Girard to figure out why this is so: because on the one hand, democracy has a certain fundamental allegiance with capital, and a disequilibrial capital process - teleoplexy - is what guarantees a permanent daisy-chain of shortages, stoppages, breaks, and disruptions, which come back in the public realm as scapegoating and blame. but this is because the whole thing runs on a libidinal economy inseparable from the pursuit of happiness, which nobody can really be fully against. Peterson has already rocketed to international recognition in talking about some of this, although his readings of Derrida, Foucault et al are notoriously uncharitable.

and picking fights with Derrida is a kind of pleb filter of its own. he's a complicated man, for sure; even Sloterdijk (and he needs an appropriate meme name to keep it thematic) gives him his props. Derrida is not a conscious saboteur of Western Civilization, although it is safe to say that by 2018 some new about-face on deconstruction is in order. Based Han basically fires on Foucault at some point in almost every book he writes, although Derrida is an even harder guy to fight with, because he's really just not all the way wrong. Derrida is himself terribly suspended between Heidegger and Levinas, which is about as polarizing a pair of intellectual mentors as you could possibly ask for.

personally, i think Politics A Shit. and yet acceleration, which is in many ways a work around for that polarity, doesn't exactly turn up a hopeful future either. so i personally shill for a nondual/mystical attitude about these things, but a lot of it does connect to Derrida also, and - as is often the case - i tend to prefer the open hand to the closed fist. but, as i have learned from Uncle Nick, an *open mind* can be a lot more open-er than on first glance it might appear.

i'm going to have to wrap my shitposting up pretty soon today gents, i intended to get more writing done today but it's been good to hash some of this stuff out with you guys also. grateful for the memetic hijinx as always, ofc.

will do, ty anon

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