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>> No.11523327 [View]
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Althought the society in ST is great and all, there are more diferences to ST society than ours than simply the restriction on citizenship.
Their mentality, in general, isen't the same.

>>11523132 gave the perfect awnser

>pointless war
Not only >>11523153 awnsers this, but Rico and Dubois are very clear on the entire nature of warfare. The bugs are a competing species to human survival. If their intencion was to live in peace with the universe, they woulden't
1) keep making skirmishes with the humans, before destroying Bueno Aires
2) Literaly mentaly slave the other species with the book starts talking.
The entire situacion wasen't made by some armchair general who was bored to stick fingers on the recruts ass, they were the result of a series of challenges send by the bugs to humanity. The bugs are capable and have the determination to fuck the human species, and this will come by war or other harmfull ways, like subverting the Federation to get something more favorable for them.
The entire point of the book was to show this state of nature, so you can understand that this situacion wasen't artificialy made, was a natural process where two or more parties (in this case, the human species under the Federation and the bug species) will fight for their own survival and betterment. If we allow the bugs to keep challenging us, subverting us and just capture and kill us (remember, they were poking on human prisioners), they would just get more and more abusive, until they reached a state in with we could all either be dead or slaved, because for them, both are okay, as long as they are okay. And you know what is funny? This is just like international politics! How the fuck are people so ignorant of what war and international (or at the book universe, intergalatic) are? For fuck sake.
Also, this all sounds like some bug propaganda, trying to say the that the bugs aren't pieces of shit species that they actualy are! How many fucking legs do you have, anon?

And what was the book's point then mr?

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