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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23212583 [View]
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Rewatching The Simpsons has made me aware what a great example of decedance this show really is.

>> No.21991412 [View]
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Aнa Кapeнинa, i'am around 200 pages in and hoping Vronsky has a painful and slow death.

>> No.21983045 [View]
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What a well-written response just to essentially say nothing, like you didn't read what I said at all and instead copypasted something from a textbook.

He is criticising a society and system, fine, even I couldn't fail to miss the marxist strain in his writing. That much I took for a given. But the way you do that in a novel (criticise a society/system) is through INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERS. Obviously. How else? The theme of the book might not be individual conflict, sure, but at the end of the day the plot itself IS a series of conflicts between people. If in trying to critique the system half of your antagonist characters, the ones who are supposed to be conduits of the system, are so over-the-top pigheaded that they completely depart from what could have happened, it not only distracts from your critique of the 'system' or whatever, but anyone who isn't already a die-hard marxist and has 3 brain cells to put together will notice what the writer is trying so hard to convince them of, and immediately become suspicious of the rest too.

If you think the absolute ignorance and meaness of the farmers and the other californians, almost every single one, was what it was really like, you have not spent enough time around normal people.

TLDR: Steinbeck is a fiction writer. As a fiction writer you jeopardise the deeper commentary you embed in the text when the individuals who relate with one another are cartoon strawmans of reality. You're not writing a socratric dialogue, you are writing characters that YOU invented, interacting with one another.

>There is no room in a story of despair and oppression for the justification for the oppression from those that oppress, and demanding a fairer portrayal of those doing the oppressing isn’t the story he was trying to tell, or the viewpoint of the characters being oppressed.
what a pile of nonsense. If you are writing fiction you fail if you are unable to leave 'room' to justify the actions of characters you want the audience to believe, in some way, represent real people and their beliefs, or actors in a system. It doesn't matter what Steinbeck was 'trying to do', it just makes him a worse off writer.

>> No.21815725 [View]
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>mum found the scribe I hid in my closet after telling him of my chivalric vows to abstain from internet and vidya until I have risked my life in battle against the French

>> No.20331238 [View]
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After getting into reading and finding an interest in fine art, I grew to appreciate and enjoy some of things that I earlier would have dismissed as retard shit. So when I say that this does nothing to me, I truly say that having tried.

As far as I understand poetry, it's the use and combination of words in such a way that evokes powerful imagery, and elegantly shows the writer's meaning. Poetry like this, on the other hand, feels like it's written by someone who thinks it's about creating riddles, which lighten the poem to new shades of genius when they are unravelled. "white tears icicle gold plains of her face" im sure has word by word breakdowns, like how "white tears" relates to suffering caused by white people or how "gold plains" is representative of the plains of Africa or something, but it just doesn't make make the poem enjoyable, and only become interesting if you care about the subject to begin with.

Maybe it's just because I associate this style with every teenage girl litfag who wants to get into poetry, or because it's the sort of poetry the cringe english teacher would try to get you to read; but if so then I feel it's time we can call this kind of thing out of date, and leave it for the boomers.

>she lacks subtlety with words, and doesn't really have an interesting vocabulary

>> No.19775478 [View]
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>beatniks would be considered conservative today

>> No.19630892 [View]
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If the world is to be improved and a better future forged, lots of people need to die.

>> No.19348767 [View]
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Consciousness has to be some sort of punishment. I had an idea that life is actually a prison sentence of some sort of distant alien race. This is hell, barren and unsatisfactory.

>> No.16383150 [View]
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>thinking finding a partner means just fiding one that's perfect for you from the beginning and not something you two need to work on
>"dating" and not courtship
>premarital sex
Do modern people really?

>> No.14434102 [View]
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>> No.14404969 [View]
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to watch and laugh and the world burning

>> No.12935549 [View]
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Any good misanthropic books ? And i don't mean book that rely on or use statistics to show how people are bad and killing the planet or stuff like that. I want books where the authors actually unleash their hatred and loathing towards people in general.

>> No.8662529 [View]
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80% through Wise Man's Fear and I want off this ride already. It just keeps getting worse and worse as it goes on.

>women are better fighters than men
>because they are

>barbarian scum, how can you think extreme promiscuity is not normal

>anime-tier mary sue protag getting out of every single situation through some lazy bullshit

Why the fuck am I still reading this shit, please end my misery

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