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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.3079895 [View]
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Hey, /lit/, I have a bit of a morbid question for you.
How does one decide how much punishment a character can take before dying? In some books, it is very little, say one stab wound or gunshot wound. while in say American Psycho, the victims can take a hell of a beating before finally dying.

Obviously it varies depending on if you are shot in the heart or in the stomach, but I don't have a big knowledge of biology and so some things, for example wounds to the neck, are complete guesswork for me.

What general rules would you apply to deciding how much a person can take before fully dying?

>> No.3064687 [DELETED]  [View]
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I'm looking for a solid short story to make into a less than 10 minute long film. Any favorites you guys have that you would like to see as a movie?

It doesn't have to specifically be short stories, either. Any writing that you think is cool and translatable to film would be cool.

>> No.3002379 [DELETED]  [View]
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Top five books thread: go!

>> No.2899713 [View]
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Sup /lit/ ? English noob here, can you give a rhetorical questions about getting drowned, suffocating, breathing or anything related to it.

>> No.2863877 [DELETED]  [View]
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I just got back from Barnes & Noble with seven new books: World War Z, Kafka on the Shore, Wind-up Bird Chronicles, Fight Club, Cat's Cradle, Slaughterhouse Five, and Hunger Games. Am I going to be happy?

>> No.2852790 [DELETED]  [View]
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wow guys you are all a bunch of loser faggots with no lives really who reads books anymore just watch a god damn move god damn you guys make me mad

>> No.2615747 [View]
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So I'm relatively new to 4chan. It's actually nowhere near as disgusting as people have been saying (I'm probably just not looking in the right place) and was genuinely surprised to find a 'literature' page!

So, my favourite works evar are, in no particular order:
Death of a Salesman - Arthur Miller
The Wasp Factory - Iain Banks
The Shining - Stephen King
No Country for Old Men - Cormac McCarthy
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk

And one for you 4channers:
American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis

If anyone could suggest more shit for me to read, it would be appreciated. I know the list is pretty cliché, but that's why I'm asking for recommendations. I'm not that old, either, so that's my excuse.

>> No.2559775 [DELETED]  [View]
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I used to love reading as a kid, but as I got older I stopped, I'm not sure why. In high school I had to read Of Mice And Men and A Farewell To Arms, which I both enjoyed immensely. Since I'm not in university I'd like to start reading again, does anyone have a good list of what is considered western canon literature?

>> No.2444276 [View]
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Hi, /lit/. What books should I read? In all seriousness I have no idea where to start.
I only read maybe one or two book every year (counting school assigned books)
Help? Maybe an essentials list or something.

>> No.2207970 [View]
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Hey /lit/ can anyone recommend a supernatural book, with demons and angels. or MAYBE a vampire book. (no sparkling faggots, hardcore blood drinkers)

Pic related, its how many books i want

>> No.2123143 [View]
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I have a hard time with English essays. Teachers wants me to find the deeper meaning in the text except I really have no idea how to do that. I guess I'm more of a literal person. For example when an author says "the sky is blue", according to my english teacher that means the blue represents the freedom of the skies while at the same time it can display the gloominess that the sky holds when it restricts us from the universe. I really have no idea how people just come up with these things... and it's restricting me from writing rhetorical analysis English essays. My friends just tell me they just bs it but I just can't do that. I'm wondering if you guys have any tips to find the "deeper meaning" in books.

>> No.2111349 [View]
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I need book recommendations because I'm running out of things to read.

I like things that are epic in scope with relateable characters (Ender's Game, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Watchmen, His Dark Materials), but I'd rather not be limited to that. Hell, just recommend me books where you can have an easy connection to the characters and I'll be good.

I like science fiction and fantasy, but I'm trying to branch out. Partially because I'm a fiction writer by calling (...yes, I'm a pretentious fuck), partially because I hate how people seem to think I only enjoy scifi/fantasy.

That said, don't hesitate to recommend it.

Note that I hate things with over-done description, like Lord of the Rings. (Oh God, Lord of the Rings. It didn't just have a TON of description, it also had no real IMAGERY. Rage. ... No, I did not get past the first hundred or so pages, so I can't exactly criticize the plot. Maybe it gets better.).

>> No.2068825 [View]
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I need some suggestions guys,.
I have to select a novel from this list to read and analyze for my mythology class this semester. Some of them may already be taken, so more than one suggestion would be helpful.


Butler, Octavia Fledgling
L'Engle, Madeline A Wrinkle in Time
Kristova, Elizabeth The Historian
Funke, Cornelia InkHeart
Tolkien, J.R.R. The Hobbit
Kidd, Sue Monk The Secret Life of Bees
Allende, Isabel House of Spirits
Steinbeck, John East of Eden
Updike, John The Centaur
Ende, Michael The NeverEnding Story
Attanasio, A.A. The Moon's Wife: A Hystery
Mosse, Kate Labyrinth
Stewart, Mary The Hollow Hills
Twain, Mark A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Morrison, Toni Beloved
Heinlein, Robert A Stranger in a Strange Land
Elyot, Amanda The Memoirs of Helen of Troy
Brown, Dan The Da Vinci Code
Coelho, Paul The Alchemist
Tanith White as Snow

>> No.2008457 [View]
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Ok, /lit/ I'm in desperate need of your help. I'm a poor, college freshman that needs free books...

I found this link but it's mainly /sci/ stuff.

>> No.1407257 [View]
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Happy new years /lit/. As appreciation for giving us Derp and herp on /fa/, we present to you this thread. Have fun!


>> No.1340398 [View]
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Hello /lit/,

What book should I read?

>> No.1323971 [View]
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Hey /lit/

I never got into reading books before, and I'd like to start.

Recommend some good books for me to read?

>> No.1236011 [View]
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Horror is almost never horrifying
Thrillers are ofttimes thrilling
Fantasy tends to be very cheesy
Sci-fi tends to be very silly
Mysteries are sometimes mysterious
Historical fiction is occasionally historical
Classics are normally boring, and not very substantive
Westerns are sometimes pretty good and sometimes very bad
Feminist literature can make good toilet paper
And Romance is just pathetic

Some of the greatest books ever written include:
The Count of Monte Cristo
Lonesome Dove
The Fortunate Pilgrim
The Grapes of Wrath
The Sun Also Rises
Almost anything by Mark Twain

>> No.1218044 [View]
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ADHD-kid here (20 y/o)

How do you guys keep your attention span going?

I like to read books, and I used to read alot, but reading for 5 mins or now is almost numbing. Last book I read was John Stewart's: America (The Book) and it took me like a week or two.

Every so often I use nicotine patches (they've been tested for ADHDkids) and sometimes I can read a book, but only in one or two sittings, otherwise I lose interest/forget what's been going on.

Also, I hear normal people who enjoy reading can visualize what they're reading, almost as real as life. I can't (my visual memory/imagination is shit tier). Could that be the reason reading is so boring/hard for me?

>> No.1107939 [View]
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I am trying to find a book i read in elementary school. I remember it having minor adult themes. It was about a girl who need to climb this mountain and no matter how close she gets it always looks far away. I remember it had a talking frog in it and a gargoyle. I vividly remember different color snow in the book. Sorry my remembrance of the book is bad.

>> No.1058572 [View]
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>> No.991570 [View]
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Not sure what to read next, /lit/. I require your guidance. These are the books I have available to me.

-The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett
-Mort by Terry Pratchett
-Roadside Picnic by Arkady & Boris Strugatsky
-2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke
-I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
-War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
- The Naked Sun by Isaac Asimov
-Foundation Trilogy by Isaac Asimov
-Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke
-Hyperion by Dan Simmons
-Sphere by Michael Crichton
-The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin
-The Time Machine by H. G. Wells
-Solaris by Stanislaw Lem
-Metropolis by Thea Von Harbou
-Lucifer's Hammer by Pournelle and Niven

>> No.893523 [View]
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Wishlist thread tiem?

>> No.854985 [View]
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I just got back from my annual Barnes and Noble Summer Book Purchasing Extravaganza. This year's loot:

Brave New World
American Psycho
The Gun Seller
A Scanner Darkly
Dies The Fire
The Plague


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