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>> No.18038816 [View]
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I don't see how wanting to keep what you have earned is greedy whilst wanting to steal the wealth of others through violence is not greedy. Socialists are just disguised dictators.
I genuinely believe that most people would get by just fine if the government just left them alone.

Socialists want all the benefits of Capitalism without any of the negatives. They believe that if a benevolent dictator just takes care of everything they can live in a utopia. It appeals to the weak minded people who have no desire to live independently.
If socialists cared about the workers why don't any of them start businesses that take better care of workers whilst also out competing businesses that 'exploit' workers. What socialists don't understand is that workers are also business men, except the only thing they have to sell if their labor. Businesses buy this labor and pair it with capital in order to sell products, provide services and make a profit so they can continue to buy labor, maintain and accumulate capital and make profits. It's really the fairest way to operate a economy, fairer then just being a slave to the government.

What socialists today want is for us to go back to serfdom, where we are all peasants who are all equally impoverished and we slave for our political party leaders.

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