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>> No.12921292 [View]
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anarchy and war are what happens when we cannot integrate multiple perspectives. and that to my mind is what all this shit is about. i know it sounds simplistic to characterize things in this way but i'm not advertising myself as any kind of guru or sage or claiming to know or to have all the answers. i really, really don't. but i really, really do think that what is missing most today is a way of integrating a plurality of perspectives into a common framework.

in the Axial Age they had similar problems, i suspect: that's the birth of the great wisdom traditions, and they are coupled together with a shift from the country to the city. i think we are *still* dealing with the consequences of the French and Industrial revolutions now, and simply because the West won in WW2 - and in the Cold War - doesn't mean that things are over yet. this is what Land saw on the horizon after 1990: okay, so free markets and social democracies win. so now what? is that it? even Fukuyama i think would have to ask himself sometimes if the End of History really was as Ended as he might have thought.

because now we have turbocapitalism and about fifty different little mimetic tribes, all of which are competing for media presence, philosophy positions, government policy, all the rest, and all in those places that thirty years ago were the victors of the post-war world. the US, Canada, England, Germany, France, Italy and Scandinavia are all now going to have to face up to a rolling wave of postmodernity that gets increasingly Woke by the hour. wat do?


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