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>> No.11615283 [View]
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I really like the disjointed campy writing though. It's almost like it's written by a very enthusiastic 5 year old.
>daddy daddy did you know there are dominant and recessive genes, and the dominant ones are the good ones and the recessive are the bad ones
>umm technically that just means which one appe-
>daddy daddy did you know that AI and VR exist, and we could totally train soldiers with them and recreate legendary soldiers with specifically tailored missions!
>sure these things exist but I don't really think you could-
>daddy daddy did you know the soviets had nukes that they could launch from a walking tank piloted by a man with electric powers
>yes the cold war involved nukes but I don't know abo-
>daddy daddy did you know there is a way to extract people from the battlefield with a balloon?!?!? They put a ballon on them and they just woosh away!
>um that's not really how Fulton-
>daddy daddy did you know there are bacteria that eat iron!?!? You can put them in a sandstorm and they'll eat a helicopter in a second!

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