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>> No.21940176 [View]
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Identity politics is a mistake Identity? Yes fine we all enjoy and of course is healthy to know your family and history of country and culture no problem but dividing people up by race, gender /lit/ being more asinine imbecilic than the most anti-male forum I've been to in this regard sexuality and etc and getting them to compete for CRUMBS based on who is is the biggest victim the weakest least worthwhile just most miserably useless sack of shit who can't do a damned thing at all is no good
ID Pol came about during OWS as a way to fuck that movement up divide conquer guess what IT WORKED Cenk Uygur was replaced with Al Sharpton Blacks fell all over each other glad to be the center of attention finally who wouldn't no one could say shit without being called racist and guess who snuck out with all the money from 2008 market crash? while we were busy w
Step In / Step Out?

The core assertion of the post-Left is relatively simple: The real ruling class in America is the progressive oligarchy represented politically by the Democratic Party. The Democrats are the party of Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the Ivy League, the media, the upper layers of the national security state and federal bureaucracy, and of highly educated professionals in general. The Republicans, however loathsome, are largely a distraction — a tenuous alliance between a minority faction of the ruling class and petit bourgeois.

Effectively incapable of governing outside the bounds set by the Democrats and Democrat-aligned media, corporations, NGOs and government bureaucracies, the GOP’s real function is to serve as a sort of ideological bogeyman. By positioning itself as the last line of defence against phantasmic threats of “fascism” and “white nationalism” coming from the Right, the ruling class is able to legitimise its own power and conceal the domination on which that power rests.

Leftists, in this telling — whether Ivy League professors or Antifa militants on the streets of Portland — are thus little more than the unwitting dupes of the ruling class. However much they profess to hate the Democratic Party, they are, in practice, its running-dog lackeys. They support the party electorally, harass and cancel its designated enemies and enforce pro-Democrat ideology in the media, academia and the workplace. Crucially, they also help maintain the permanent state of moral emergency that serves as a pretext for the expansion of ruling class power, whether in the form of the increasingly direct control that tech monopolies wield over political discourse or the pursuit of Covid policies that transfer wealth upward and subject workers to a dystopian regime of medical surveillance.

We don't have to, in fact may be incapable of living together in checkered housing projects happily but we can should learn to tolerate leave each other alone wishing sincerely the best

>> No.21933434 [View]
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"Democracy is under threat when the plebs
vote against our bought and paid for, 'my-turn' candidate
that we, the combined power of elite globalism,
TOLD THEM TO FUCKING VOTE FOR(*rage-face*)!!!!!!"

When we, lowly, ignorant "chuds"
use our voting power to elect someone
not pre-approved by tweedist Intelligence-Media-NGO-Corporate PTB
("powers that be")...
it's a grave "threat to democracy"?

Haw! Haw! Haw!
That's rich!
That's rich indeed!

>Electoral college!

True but that Trump came anywhere close,
against GOP, DNC, entire media, etc should show,
if anything,

That the masses can be lied to and riled up into
mob rule
and made to democratically vote for charlatans!!

Whether you call it the "Military Industrial Complex" like Chomsky
or "The Cathedral" (1) like Yarvin
or "Democrat-Media Complex" like Andrew Breitbart,

Assange leaking the DNC servers &
showing Donna Brazile / CNN working
hand in hand
with Hilary Clinton's people
to get First! Woman! President!!
"democratically" [sic] "elected" [sic] as the DNC primary choice *over* Bernie Sanders,
and then Donna getting immediately hired by Clinton's election team after
the story dropped and she was forced out by public pressure from CNN,
and after Beanie Sandals capitulated
(yrs truly included!!)
to the woman who just cheated him out of the fucking primary(!!!)...

had more to do with Trump winning than any anti-democratic faction.

Without a fucking doubt.

But GL finding that story in the history books!



Yas, yaasss,

But "lmfao" all the same.

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