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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22792344 [View]
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>> No.20481674 [View]
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I'd like to bless anyone who post below. God bless you.

>> No.20169073 [View]
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Plato, Aristotle, Jesus, Augustine, Aquinas, Berkeley, Kierkegaard

>> No.20142493 [View]
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Begone, Satan.

>> No.20108149 [View]
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I just had a revelation: if you don't believe in God you're retarded.

>> No.14553454 [View]
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Books on proper Christian prayer without images?

>I let Jesus Christ into my heart recently after being dissatisfied with so much modern degeneracy and filth in the world and I started praying to him.
>I fully believe in him and the other Gods, the Holy Spirit and the Father, who are all One.
>I watched a YouTube video by some Mudslime arguing fiercfully that one should never pray to an image and how it is bad for you etc.
>Got convinced by his arguments, even the Old Bible supported this view.
>Now I try not to picture Jesus when praying to him.
>Couldn't do it, tried praying to the Father - picture an old man from Michelangelo's art.
>Couldn't do it, tried praying to the Holy Spirit - picture a white dove flying around the Pentecost.
>Heard Catholics prayed to Mary, tried it, didn't work.

Literature to cope with this feel? What do I imagine when praying? Before this I was using an icon I first kiss, then look into and close my eyes and pray to it. But apparently this was considered as a form of disbelief and there was even a movement against it - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iconoclasm

>> No.14314093 [View]
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sex is for inferior beings. you can cope all you want, but at the end of the day, you're just a coomer.

>> No.13924808 [View]
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blessed are those who fear the Lord.

>> No.13874051 [View]
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You have no power here

>> No.13862777 [View]
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>The Bible (Douy-Rheims)
>Catechism of the Catholic Church
>Parts of the Summa Theologica (Specifically Part 1 and Part 3)

>Handbook of Catholic Apologetics-Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli
>The Everlasting Man-Chesterton
>Catholicism-Journey Into the Heart of the Faith- Robert Barron

>Summa Theologica-St. Thomas Aquinas
>City of God-Augustine
>The Works of St. Anselm
>On the Incarnation-St. Athanasius
>Defense Against the Arians-St. Athanasius
>The Consolation of Philosophy-Boethius
>Introduction to Christianity and Jesus of Nazareth Series by Joseph Ratzinger

Biography/Conversion works:
>The Confessions-St. Augustine
>Apologia Pro Vita Sua-John Henry Newman
>The Seven Storey Mountain-Thomas Merton

Historical/Sociological works:
>The Formation of Christendom-Christopher Dawson
>The Dividing of Christendom-Christopher Dawson
>History of the Catholic Church-James Hitchcock
>Keepers of the Keys of Heaven: A History of the Papacy

> Shusaku Endo- Silence
>The Divine Comedy-Dante Alighieri
>The Works of Flannery O'Connor-Flannery O'Connor
>The Power and the Glory-Graham Greene
>Diary of a Country Priest-Georges Bernanos
>The Works of G.K. Chesterton
>The Moviegoer-Walker Percy
>Lancelot-Walker Percy
>The Lord of the Rings-J.R.R. Tolkien
>The Book of the New Sun-Gene Wolfe
>Brideshead Revisited-Evelyn Waugh
>The Canterbury Tales-Chaucer
>A Canticle for Liebowitz-Walter M. Miller
>Tears of the Prodigal Son- Ivan Gundilic

>Collected writings of Meister Eckhart
>The Dark Night of the Soul-St. John of the Cross
>Collected Writings- St. John of the Cross
>The Interior Castle- St. Teresa of Avila
>Revelations of Divine Love- Julian of Norwich
>New Seeds of Contemplation- Thomas Merton
>No Man is an Island-Thomas Merton
>Thoughts in Solitude-Thomas Merton

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