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>> No.12451233 [View]
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>a man of culture, I see.
Wilber is dope. like Peterson he rubs people the wrong way, and in his love of systems people get nit-picky. but i've always had a kind of secret crush on Integral stuff, warts and all. Atman Project and Up From Eden are both really good. if this thing we call civilization isn't about consciousness in the end, it's not about anything. capital is a very interesting part of that greater story, and perhaps it has the added benefit of keeping the mystics from drifting too far away from earth. and yet by the time you wind up reading Land, you realize that the most hardened materialists alive nevertheless have to appeal to some mysticism also. the thing that Wilber, Peterson and Land all have in common is their triangulation on this phenomenon of postmodernity as being a kind of crucial episode that has to be navigated through, somehow. and they all have their different source material and theories about why that is: Peterson has Jung and his existentialists, Land has the continental theorists, and Wilber has the Vedanta and Plotinus and many others. but they're all seeing the same problems, in many ways. that three people as different as they are could all recognize a single phenomenon gets my noggin' joggin.

>Here are the ingredients for the kind of cyborg we've been looking for, because tech has allowed itself to become like the soup we imagined as an origin.
yeah. the trouble is that it's hard to see how soupy it is through all of the advertisement...but really, a soup it be. and partially also because there is perhaps something undeniably true about the completion of man via aesthetics, that it is his very massification that is a necessary component of capitalist experiment. we wind up being both more than and less than the ideal figure of, say, the CCP. but so too does our culture, which just becomes a petri dish for marketing execs.

>What will we do when our bodies assumilate the function of regarding computers as our origins to the extent that we are capable of communicating as if we were 100% app-caused?
i think the answer here is that we may never know, since the object of advertisement will be to convince us that we are still the ones making these decisions while all the time becoming more automated. we've already been solved, in a certain sense. or at least in our basic form.

but conversely, this is also why experimentation with the human system is a good idea, since the stultifying decadence that arises as a result of this only seems to benefit political extremists, the ones who always want to look to transcendental ideals of what people are in order to advance their place in the system. this is what Land exposes, in a way: transcendental miserabilism is good for capital, but what we are finding out today is that even capital rolls over for new markets, even if it involves what is essentially communism in its purest form. and market-driven academia has no answers for this.

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