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>> No.17643684 [View]
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Thesis: monarchism
Antithesis: populism (natsoc, democracy, marxism)
Synthesis: constitutional monarchy
Anything past this is an overcorrection. Hell, Kant recognized this and so did most of the enlightenment liberals

>> No.17613282 [View]
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So this is just Dark Academia (or whatever that Tumblr retard shit is) for chuds? The entirety of America needs to be gassed

>> No.17602835 [View]
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>Guy was a classic spook
This. To say nothing of Hegelian misinterpretations, Marxism is no better than democracy or national socialism: they are cannulae inserted into the viens of the monarchical regime that rile the people against the only sect theoretically capable of inhibiting the capitalism's total takeover. Marx, Hitler, and all the enlightenment philosophers are one and the same: naive idealists that blew their load too early and loosed the spectre of populism upon a world nowhere near ready for it. Indeed, the advent of liberal ideologies was perhaps actualized at the worst possible time: a time when the captialists possessed the highest possible degree of power and the aristocracy the relative weakest.

All peddlers of the post-enlightenmeny horror are tools of the elite. Your modern Marxist, pluralist, democrat, leftist, rightist, communists, and anarchist have been seduced by capitalist sophistry. The cry our for revolution and of combating the powers that be for the sake of the people. Our class, our race, our species: all the same. Every revolution (sponsored by J.P. Morgan, this time) only serves to open up new markets.

>> No.12646358 [View]
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sorry, i missed one:

>Corporations control the system and they don't care about freedom.
they don't, and this is also what gives you the hilarious monster that is Woke Capital, which is a thing that makes Land grind his teeth, because the cybernetic Lovecraftian overlords he has been giving himself nightmares about for decades suddenly do an about face and completely decide that what the world needs is more diversity, and put out the rainbow flag.

that the rainbow flag is flown atop JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs and the rest is in no ways a surprise for me, it's what sharp Marxists like Jameson have been watching to appear for decades. that there is nothing more diverse or inclusive than pure speculative capital is the irony of ironies in all of this, and the Woke Billionaire is its most odious champion. i see and notice these things, and so do you, and so do shitloads of other people. i suspect many of them were people who voted Trump in 2016 and not necessarily because they were rednecks either, but because they saw something deeply worrisome in the alliance between progressivism and Silicon Valley. Woke Capital is for real and i completely believe that the Maoist-style rage that accompanies identity politics in all its forms is nothing more than the psychic vanguard of 21C turbocapital itself. the cynicism is absolutely naked and in completely plain sight. Nike capitalizing on Kaepernick to sell running shoes made for nine cents a day in Manila or whatever the fuck else, Apple rolling out transgender bathroom campaigns while being supplied by absolutely ruthless subcontractors like Foxconn et al...it's all a part of the same story, and that to me is the *real story,* the story of the money. that's why i always bail out immediately of the pseudo-Protestantism of progressivist stuff, because at the back of my mind i see one thing and one thing only, which is those dollar dollar bills.

this to me is the real deal. i don't hate the trans community, i don't give a shit about any of it. i absolutely *do* think that there is an unholy alliance that forms up between banks and the most hilariously late versions of Karl Marx, and Rainbow Banks are precisely what it looks like. but i also think people can smell that something is profoundly rotten in the state of Denmark. when people take out their rage on the Jews, or the Blacks, or the gays, *or the Whites,* or whoever the fuck it galls me precisely because i think all of that shit is entirely to miss the mark on what is really going on, which is money, money, money, a little money on the side, plus money, and also money.

remember Martin Shkreli, that asshole? the guy who jacked up the Daraprim price? he tried to find the Archimedean psychic lever point, and leverage a very perverse kind of logic to do so: hey, if i *don't* gouge, i'll be sued. he's in fucking jail now and he deserves it.

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