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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17223908 [View]
File: 97 KB, 736x1023, d2eb7215e659c235ecd9f5ef67b3b74f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real niggas finish they books then die immediately after

>> No.12252159 [View]
File: 94 KB, 736x1023, d2eb7215e659c235ecd9f5ef67b3b74f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Céline did what he did because he'd seen hundreds of good men die in a stupid war, and come home to a stupid society that didn't give a fuck about him beyond holding up "war heros" to advance political causes and women entertaining their dumb erotic fantasies. He also wrote in one of the most unique, energetic, and invigorating prose styles of all modern literature. Despite the immense suffering of his life, and his unwaveringly pessimistic worldview,he never lost that vital spark of humour and compassion that makes him such a writer.

Bukoski was a drunk boomer who's greatest angst consisted of being called a Kraut for a few years in middle school. He wrote the sort of bitchy, self absorbed, melodramatic poetry that only Americans and slutty college girls manage to find depth in, and left the world with such gems as:
>there's a bluebird in my heart that
>wants to get out
>but I pour whiskey on him and inhale
>cigarette smoke
>and the whores and the bartenders
>and the grocery clerks
>never know that
>in there.

>> No.10053733 [View]
File: 94 KB, 736x1023, d2eb7215e659c235ecd9f5ef67b3b74f--ferdinand-celine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sterile, conceited, destructive, swinish, and monstrously megalomaniacal, the Jews are currently accomplishing, to full capacity, and under the same standard as their conquest of the world, the degradation, the monstrous crushing, and the systematic and total annihilation of our most natural emotions as conveyed in all of our essential, instinctive arts, in music, painting, poetry, theater… “Replacing Aryan emotion with the Nigger’s tom-tom.

Surrealism, an extension of naturalism, is art for hateful robots, an instrument of Jewish despotism, swindle and imposture… As an extension of imbecilic naturalism, and as the rod and pruning shears of the Jewish eunuchs, surrealism is the registry of our emotiona disenfranchisement…the ground for our hecatomb, our communal mass grave for idolatrous Aryan cretins, duped and cuckolded on a cosmic scale… And then it’s an entirely done deal! admirably done…for mugs like us!… At surrealism’s door, long quivering with impatience, with reductionism, and with objectivism, to all of its degrees, all or nearly all of our great writers ceaselessly hone themselves down to the infinitesimal, to the loss of that “jingling bell,” to the loss of the very last bit of substance.


Every time, whenever it’s a matter of whether it’ll move to a greater or lesser extent…it goes…out of it come some odd little noises, some hail-like tintinnabulations, some little false notes. And then there’s only so much of it, and then it’s all over… The surrealist invasion, I’ve found, is absolutely ready, and it’s going to proceed without hesitation, by virtue of the law of numbers… Therefore there remains nothing left to be said about Robotic art, before it swoops in to stay.


All of the ages of decadence, all of the ages of rot, were superabundant with Jews, critics and homosexuals. The Jews are actually in seventh heaven, in finance, politics and the arts. More persuasive, intrusive, insinuating, and worm-like than ever, they file into the wake of the Picassos, the Sachas, the Cézannes, the Poo-Prousts…they set sail in unsettled seas, they submerge everything… In the process the Jews consolidate their supreme Reform, the ultimate deconstruction of the Aryans. The forcing of the Aryans into ghettos cannot come much later…all done under Nigger enforcement. This will coincide with the advent of the very greatest Jewish Art, and of Robotic-Surrealist art for the robotized indigenous population. There is nothing secret, nothing occult about the “take-nique” of this conquest of the world by way of the Jewish cloaca, this consecration of Jewish Imperialism, and apotheosis of the Jew, both spiritually and materially. It’s there for everyone to admire… It’s taking place right beneath our windows… One only has to lean forward a little…


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