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>> No.16061251 [View]
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Ultimately, politics and power can get really messy. If you end up gaining any kind of notoriety in the field of psychedelic drugs, you will be approached by feds, and you will be required to play ball or go to Jail. For Terence, Leary, and Rogan, the choice here is simple. I can work for the feds, get some government sponsored gigs, not go to jail, and keep enjoying my lifestyle, or I can try and resist the feds and go rogue, end up getting my life destroyed and in prison. Pretty simple choice to make senpai. As far as it concerns McKenna & Leary, the feds had whole cabinets filled with files on these guys, McKenna was a hash smuggler, Leary was equally susceptible to blackmail, and Rogan has eaten Psilocybin mushrooms on camera, and frequently talks about recent trips. He clearly has some kind of immunity, and it's probably because he cut a deal to keep certain political views off of his show.

Ultimately, you have to remember that just because the feds were pushing this at one point, doesn't mean they are bad. They were just looking for an excuse to arrest hippies, and dissolve the revolutionary movements popping up at the time. Civil Rights was a huge loss for the CIA, that's why they killed MLK jr., and the vietnam protests were threatening to turn into something more serious, as the weather underground started becoming more active among other groups. Charles Manson was also a CIA op, this is one good thing that Rogan has revealed on his show, and it looks like he got the green light to tell the truth on that, so the feds look like they are trying to air out some dirty laundry from the past.

The best part about this whole story though is that ultimately, LSD and the rise of the psychedelic culture ultimately has done more for dismantling the bullshit indoctrination that has crippled this country since the post WWII war. Without this massive cultural movement, we would be in a much more precarious situation. Ever notice how the alt-right is absolutely filled with pot smokers? We are the re-manifestation of the 1960's counter-culture, and the psychedelic meme-magic period was the clearest and most obvious manifestation of that. However the Jewish community has rallied to shut down our ideological program, and now it is very hard to find any online space where these counter-cultural sentiments are be expressed clearly without shills coming in to say hateful shit.

Anybody who hates the alt-right, go watch Murdoch Murdoch right now. That's what the alt-right was originally about, until it got infiltrated by paid operatives and Q boomers.

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