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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.11597059 [View]
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just here. i came to /lit/ in 2016 to wig out about trump and now i mostly just contain myself to the land threads, since those are always interesting. never really felt the desire for a blog or a channel or anything like that. being a crypto-hermit /lit/ creature is fine.

contrary to what i have seen written about me, i actually do have a bachelor's degree and a graduate degree also, it's just that it's not in this stuff. maybe it should have been? i don't know. i do know that i got shitty marks in school because i was pretty much thinking about philosophy the whole time, instead of what i was studying...but i have no plans for an academic career either. i've just always been a bookworm and apparently the butterflies in my stomach find something agreeable about continental philosophy and nick land. but mostly because land articulates so much about what happens when you don't pay attention to heidegger...or mcluhan...or girard...or, or, or...you get the idea.

i have a twitter account with zero tweets also.

>> No.9725671 [View]
File: 50 KB, 647x389, mcluhan1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McLuhan was so ahead of the game. This fucking clip anon. You are my hero.

>when you live out not the frontier, you have no identity, and so identity is always accompanied by violence
>terrorists are people minus identity

>> No.9651401 [View]
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The Medium is the Message, son. I want to do something more substantial and less ephemeral than that route.
What sources do you read for online articles?

>> No.9650299 [View]
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>> No.9078234 [View]
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Shkreli made a good, though trollish point, in saying that entrepreneurs can in fact be sued for not making enough profit for their companies. When it comes to health care we immediately realize that there is something horribly paradoxical at work. Being a kind of a troll, MS revealed in this to some degree, but his point was germane: this is how business works. Piketty comes to similar conclusions, saying that we need something like a planetary inheritance tax so that huge legacies are not passed on infinitely until you get Pride & Prejudice earth. My investor friends, with whom I have almost nothing in common in a philosophical sense, agree on this. Governments do need to tax the very richest to maintain the social welfare net to some degree without crushing enterprise. The worst situation of all are Panama Papers-style situations or vaults in Switzerland stuffed with diamonds and art that are just sitting there accruing value instead of circulating. No doubt they can be used to decorate those doomsday shelters, but the situation is that, even though the spice must flow, the spice is not in fact flowing. You get what I mean.

John Gray is good. He likes the Tao. But I find his concept of the world too bleak: that humans will not improve and that we will destroy the world seems to me too solipsistic. He's vastly smarter than I am, but in the end it seems to me that things *have* improved tremendously since, to take a hyperbolic example, the stone age. Things have gotten better and will in some sense continue to do so. But I understand where he is coming from.

Agreed. Conflict is inevitable. To me at least these conflicts appear for materialistic reasons, but this is where ideology enters the picture. Leaders are actually not able to tell their electorates that they are going to war for materialist reasons, but for cultural or ideological ones. I think an enlightened "planetaristic" worldview would understand war in the way we understand dentistry or plumbing. Necessary processes that don't need to be unduly romanticized. Marcus Aurelius is a good example of this.

Yep. Bannon throws around the term "church militant" with remarkable ease. It doesn't surprise me that he wouldn't see eye to eye with Pope Francis. Historically the inevitable worldliness of the Church led it into all kinds of conflicts in Europe. This is likely to be another of those. I actually wonder if what we are seeing today is something like an ideological Thirty Years' War, a clash of interpretations of liberalism. Sure feels like this. It has all of the rancor.


>> No.9049487 [View]
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Also, that picture sucks. Here's a better one.

I kind of wish McLuhan had been able to see the rise of video games too.

>> No.8793612 [View]
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>> No.7815865 [View]
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Marshall McLuhan was already writing about it back in the 50s

>> No.6229557 [View]
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I just read The medium is the massage

What does /lit/ think of the idea that electronic technology is changing/has changed the way we understand ourselves in the world and that it is taking us to a place similar to preliterate Greece where everything was memorized which made people understand things though pattern recognition because of how much informaiton was coming at them (as opposed to the "data classification" way of understanding the world that print technology created)?

or just about Marshall McLuhan's ideas in general?

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