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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20289376 [View]
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He hasn’t read As I Lay Dying.

>> No.19737252 [View]
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>Faulkner I used to see. He saw two adaptations I had made of his short stories. He said, 'You must be very careful about Hollywood. Some people make the mistake of taking it seriously. Don't.' I saw Scott Fitzgerald ruin himself. He took movies seriously, and Faulkner would laugh. Imagine. It's not serious at all. It's not writing. If you need the money, go and do it. I did. - Gore Vidal

Did writers have a low opinion of film back then?

>> No.18237909 [View]
File: 210 KB, 1200x1200, william-faulkner-9292252-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In January 1936, William Faulkner had just completed his latest novel and begun his latest drinking binge. He handed the new manuscript to a friend and said, "I want you to read this. ... I think it's the best novel yet written by an American."

>> No.15749824 [View]
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Did he consider his modernist 30s novels failures? Reading Go, Down Moses and the style is pretty pedestrian so far in comparison, with the exception of the first two stories. The scene in "Pantaloon in Black" where Rider hallucinates the ghost of his wife is written in a pretty craven, pat style (the rest of the story is pretty solid though).

I know he described Sanctuary as a potboiler but I haven't read that one. Is there any other reason than money that the style is like this in these later books?

>> No.13606800 [View]
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>Faulkner, probably the most celebrated Southern writer, is more difficult to read by comparison, his prose often peppered with devices of deliberate ambiguity, leaving the reader to ponder over the proper reference for that wandering pronoun without clear antecedent, or over the confusion in space, time, or information, or over long, sometimes ponderous sentence in recondite vocabulary, on emotionally charged, often Gothic, themes.

Is Faulkner the Dark Souls of literature?

>> No.12394029 [View]
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Hi lit.
How to into Faulkner? I want to start to read his oeuvre but idk where. Also I have trouble with his 'connected' books (connected by The Snopes, or Yoknapatawha, or The Sartoris, or The Compsons). Does lit already have a chart? Otherwise can we create one?
thx in advance for your help.

>> No.12215288 [View]
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>> No.11493729 [View]
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"People will say he was too young; he did not have time to finish. But it is not How long, it is not How much; it is, simply What. When the door shut for him, he had already written on this side of it that which every artist who also carries through life with him that one same foreknowledge and hatred of death, is hoping to do: I was here. He was doing that, and perhaps in that bright second he even knew he had succeeded. What more could he want?"

Dude kinda told him to btfo. Faulkner was the best. He even looks like he's ready to obliterate you.

>> No.10754032 [View]
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I can't find a picture of David Benatar, so I'll share this dude who helped me appreciate lit. when I was younger and got me into reading and writing.

>> No.10716319 [View]
File: 206 KB, 1200x1200, william-faulkner-9292252-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My English professor assigned these readings last term for discussion and essay:

Metamorphosis - Kafka
A Hunger Artist - Kafka
Barn Burning - Faulkner
A Rose for Emily - Faulkner
The Death of Ivan Illych - Tolstoy
The Chrysanthemums - Steinbeck
A Good Man is Hard to Find - O'Connor
Everything that Rises must Converge - O'Connor
Bartleby the Scrivener - Melville
Babylon Revisited - Fitzgerald
The Yellow Wallpaper - Gilman
Hills like White Elephants - Hemingway
Araby - Joyce
The Rocking Horse Winner - Lawrence

How did he do?

>> No.10141613 [DELETED]  [View]
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Would he like anime?

>> No.10081191 [View]
File: 206 KB, 1200x1200, william-faulkner-9292252-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Ugghhh being a southerner sucks fuck punctuation"

There, I just summed up every Faulkner book for you.

>> No.10071091 [View]
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Nigga that Faulkner

>> No.9994873 [View]
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Where should one start with Faulkner? Also, what are the essentials?

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