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>> No.19599888 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is it weird to always wear the same outfit? I don't mean wearing the same exact clothes day in and day out, because that would be very dirty. I mean the same outfit in the sense that the "look" remains essentially unchanged:

>hair always styled the same
>dark blazer/jacket/outerwear
>light collared shirt/long sleeve shirt
>medium in-between colored jeans/trousers
>dark oxford shoes or equally dark loafers
>accessories are a silver watch and my black eyeglasses i suppose
>same cologne by same brand because it's readily available if i'm out

i found myself in this habit because i travel often for work, and needed a generic personal uniform that is presentable, clean, inoffensive and can be somewhat casual appropriate while capable of being business appropriate on short notice. but while i was with family this year and they were showing me all the photos over the years i've been in (i don't take photos of myself at all), i always seem to be wearing essentially the same kind of "look" year in and year out and i now feel insecure about it -- do people notice? would you notice if your coworker was doing this?

now obviously i don't look anywhere near like pic related but i would say it is similar enough to express my situation

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