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>> No.12450259 [View]
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i think what i would like would be a kind of General Optimization Process - but this is, in many ways, already there in the great wisdom traditions. nondualism isn't a recipe for social conservatism, it's more like a fundamental platform by which to avoid the very first, and as such the greatest, stumbling block for anything like a genuine step forward for human beings: thou art that. there is a thing called Awakening, for which there are no substitutes. that much understood, you may proceed however it is that seems best to you.

socialism promises this much, but can never get over the finer details of identitarian consciousness, classically framed as the three big ones: race, class, gender. of late class seems to have gone by the wayside (where it will, i suspect, return with an absolute vengeance as a tool of the far right). over in Silicon Valley, race and gender have never wielded as much power as they do today, but in their desire to pursue Woke Capital they seem to be laying the groundwork for their own ruination more skilfully than any Marxist ideologue could ever hope to achieve. they simply cannot help advertising themselves as exactly the thing that makes people hate them. it's like a never-ending beauty pageant that you can't turn off: there is a critical mass achieved, or a tipping-point, where you feel *revulsion* and just want to turn the screen off altogether.

the real mystics have never had all that much of a problem with each other, it's only the ideologues who do. if you put Rumi, Christ, Laozi, the Buddha, Meister Eckhart and Vyasa together in a room, they would get along with each other just fine. any one of them would look foolish for trying to claim that they and they alone had the Real Answers. they're all saying the same things to each other. i've only realized this quite recently, that it was never postmodernity i was looking for, it was perennialism. there you have both the differences *and* the underlying familiarity, and no language games either.

it's Socialitis that is our problem, a kind of hysterical disease, the need to somehow be different and the same, at the same time. the vector of this disease is, i would say, the *camera.* cameras make people act fucking screwy. they're the Big Other, except that today, the Big Other is us, it's the *crowd.* in the best mystical experiences, it seems to me that what is most appealing is the feeling of a shared silence - maybe somebody else is there, but whoever or whatever that thing is, it isn't *watching* you. it's just there. and so are you. and that's pretty much all you need.

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