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>> No.21535856 [View]
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[Ultramarines Omnibus] - ??
I remember the first few pages were combat but I guess it wasn't gripping enough for me to stick aroun.

[Nightblade 1 and 2] - 6.5/10 and 4.5/10 respectively
1 had some nice moments, 2 started weird and didn't.. stabilize, I guess? Just kept sitting in this odd storytelling spot. The story itself wasn't necessarily odd, I just... I dunno, my autism created a buffer and I got distracted and left it behind. Probably worth a higher rating.

[Homeland: The Legend of Drizzt] - 3/10
I dont know what it is about R.A. Salvatores stuff but it always feels like he's mostly writing for D&D nerds, and though I've played I am not a D&D nerd.

[A Thousand Li: The First War] - 4.4/10
DNF Another attempt to scratch a Cradle itch. Not for me, but if you like ching chong bug shit have at it. Just didn't capture me.

[Shaman] - ??
DNF Every time I've tried to read this I've put it down, but I dont think it's the book's fault. I feel like it's my fault, I need to figure out how to be in the mood for it. Prolly sounds gay but there it is, got the tism

[The Clan of the Cave Bear] - ??
DNF. Something my northern california granola hippie sweetheart grandmother recommended me. Downloaded, gave it a try. Told her it was great. Eh

[A Thousand Li 1 & 2] - 5.5/10
Didn't finish #2 because I lost interest but it has its charm. Gotta get past some lackluster first few chapters in #1 though.

[Mother of Learning] - 9.2/10
Another book I liked a lot regardless of objective quality, but I still think is objectively good. There were also things I didn't like about it. I liked how long it was. I was unemployed at the time of reading, read 8 hours a day and still had a good week of entertainment.

[Curse of Chalion] - 7.7/10
Decent reading. Came looking for paladin shit, stayed for the intrigue.

[Infinity Blade 1 & 2] - N/A
I just like infinity blade shit, Sanderson be damned. This was a reread anyways.

[Canticle] - 2/10
DNF barely even remember what it's about. More of my own issues with R.A. Salvatore maybe?

[Rage of Dragons, Fires of Vengeance] - 6.3/10
Book 1 starts off real weird, but gets somewhere interesting and I appreciated that. Read all the way to the end. The story and character status quo transition between book 1 and book 2 reminds me a lot of Way of Kings but even more clunky, if you can believe it. Lost interest a short way into book 2.

[Archer of the Heathland: Deliverance] - 4.4/10
DNF. Retarded title. Tries to start off edgy, but doesnt linger on any of the implied darkness, which makes it lose a lot of investment value. Basically: "Oh no! My whole family was raped, tortured and murdered for no reason! Lets train huntsman shit with the neighbor *Make a Man out of You starts playing*"


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