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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23476528 [View]
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He refuted you and you couldn't come up with an argument, I watched it happened real time. You're a faggot and a coward/liar!

>> No.23473912 [View]
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>this obvious pantifa cuck damage control

>> No.23463573 [DELETED]  [View]
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> thinking these days that this toilet site and this board are anything other than a bunch of retarded brown kiddies posting what they see on tiktok

No, you tik-tok watching brown faggot or wigger garbage. /lit/ and other boards used to be much better in terms of quality, but even /lit/ is basically just nu-/tv/ at this point, overrun by the low IQ / thoughtless brown masses, leading to a significant decrease in quality, like we see everywhere else where this happens. The /lit/ catalog at any given time is packed full of lowest-quality garbage, i mean unironic threads about andrew tate or literal tiktok clips, full of trolling/shitsposts against the rules, frequently never taken down.

The site is fucking garbage comparable to or worse than r*ddit for a few years now, probably because moot left, but who gives a fuck? i just come here to bully newfags and other retards, which was originally standard procedure on this site, at least 10 years ago, but the userbase now are obviously not the jaded aristocrats of the soul with high standards like old 4chan was. Now it's just another mediocre piece of shit that may as well be run by an algorithm controlled by jews like the rest of the internet.

>> No.23104242 [View]
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>> No.22940160 [View]
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>But who wants to read when you’re poor anyways?
kek are you really saying all black people are poor? what a fucking stupid comment. what do poor people do? work alot? LMAO! they sit in front of the tv, like most people do. being poor or rich has nothing to do with it, if you have time you can read.

>> No.22917087 [View]
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>> No.22692344 [View]
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>replying to yourself
this will only make people laugh at you more, retard

>> No.22655206 [View]
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>just posted proof actual linguists perfectly considered the derivation from ἄρειος(warlike)
>he is still coping with being caught pants down as completely clueless about the subject
I've btfo some illiterate children in my time but this one is something else

>> No.22590061 [View]
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Lol. You literally have no argument.

>> No.21922676 [View]
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>gets refuted and reports the post
>calls others fragile
You're pretty stupid huh?

>> No.21865633 [View]
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You dumb monkey, read the post I've linked you to 2 or 3 times now. You claimed jews were superior and that was refuted outright. The other guy is right, you're probably too stupid to read or form coherent thoughts.

>> No.21853939 [View]
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>everyone who disagrees with me is a politically incorrect redditor from 2016
Poor snowflake is still traumatized after evil fascist pooppy baby donald drumpf got elected!

>> No.21479696 [View]
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>anyone who dislikes nazis is a pozzed LGBT leftist cuckold like me!

>> No.21453568 [View]
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>I've literally outperformed 99% of all English speakers in the USA, am better read, and more accomplished than almost anyone on this board.
Dunning-Kruger in action. This dumb black bitch can miraculously write in complete sentences and "read" books, damn nigga are you the next Shakespeare?

Do you realize that every award you've won is because you're black? it isn't because you're inherently remarkable, it's because you're black and have the literacy of a 12th grade white kid. Look up what affirmative action is, you jumped-up sheboon.

>> No.21440623 [DELETED]  [View]
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Go back you dumb faggot, racism is completely natural and is present in all normal societies. BIPOC don't need white tranny losers like you to simp for them, in fact it is insulting and they would kill you if they could.

>> No.21257923 [View]
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Dude he refuted you and now you're mad, I'm not reading your long copeposts, it's obvious that blonde chad fucked your gross gf at a party or something

>> No.20276969 [View]
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you are being quite a prick to OP for no good reason but that was funny

>> No.20242986 [View]
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>From 1995 to 2015, he was married to Jennifer Robin Carrier. Announcing their divorce, Carrier revealed that he is polyamorous, and that after informing his wife of his extramarital affairs, the last two years of their marriage had been an open relationship.[10]

>Carrier strongly advocated for a movement in atheism called "Atheism Plus," through which he argued that the atheist community ought to also share certain particular political agendas, not just lack a belief in God.[13][14]

>In recent years, Carrier has been accused of engaging in unwanted sexual advances at skeptic and atheist conventions. These accusations have resulted in him being uninvited and banned from Skepticon.[16]

>This book is a follow up to his dissertation "Science Education In The Early Roman Empire". Carrier argues that science in the Roman world was very advanced and progressive and would have reached a scientific revolution in a few more centuries had Christians not stepped in. In it he argues that Christians held back science for over a thousand years while ignoring or forgetting the scientific advancements of pagans.[52]

Listening to anything this retard says is condemnation enough

>> No.20099581 [View]
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Fucking kek, spot-on

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