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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.11945561 [View]
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Anyone read pic-related?

>> No.11820869 [View]
File: 48 KB, 332x499, 51NRX+DrMdL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever read pic-related?

>> No.11297639 [View]
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How can you experience consciousness? You are consciousness.

Try mysticism, they usually emphasis immediate experience, past language and symbols.

For myself after a major experience on LSD (years ago) I found The Perennial Philosophy helpful. Most of it was like reading what I already knew.

>> No.11050129 [View]
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Any fellow perennialists or psychedelic scientists here? How goes your work to deconstruct the ego and become a more virtuous individual? How goes the Great Work, have you conceived your Magnum Opus? The world moves both in circles and ever forwards like an arrow. The fractal represents the great spiral dance of nature. Strife and Eros, discord and harmony. Are we divided for love's sake? Is there a tension internal to love itself? I do not know. But what I do know is this; God(dess) is Love and entheogens are our means of connecting with Her(/Him). Let us gather here to discuss the perennial wisdom (Sophia Perennis) of philosophy and ancient theology (Prisca Theologia) of the classical world free from the bad history and historiography, anti-scientific and cult-like irrationality, and fetishization of race and culture characteristic of traditionalist and ur-fascist writers (i.e., Evola, Guenon, etc.)

Recommend readings:
>The Perennial Philosophy
>The Doors of Perception
>Heaven and Hell
>The Island
>Be Here Now
>The Joyous Cosmology
>Wisdom of Insecurity
>Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
>Pale Blue Dot
>Demon-Haunted World
>Varieties of Religious Experiences
>Prometheus Rising
>Principia Discordia
>Angel Tech
>Game of Life
>The Psychedelic Experience
>Way of the Tarot
>The Archaic Revival
>The Teachings of Don Juan
>The Four Agreements
>The Way of the Shaman
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>The Power of Myth
>Masks of God
>Man and His Symbols
>Memories, Dreams, Reflections
>Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious
>Psychology & Alchemy
>Liber Novus
>Ego and Archetype
>The Unseen Partner
>Imitation of Christ
>Introduction to the Devout Life
>Ladder of Divine Ascent
>Mirror of Simple Souls
>Baghavad Gita
>Yoga Sutras
>In The Buddha's Words
>Diamond Sutra
>Heart Sutra
>Lotus Sutra
>Dao De Jing
>Journey to the East
>Journey to the West
>The Power of Now
>The Four-Hour Work Week

>> No.10498780 [View]
File: 48 KB, 332x499, 51NRX+DrMdL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading his best book

>> No.9809662 [View]
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Is this worth reading?

>> No.9568860 [View]
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Maybe here? I haven't read this yet but it's on my list. Huxley seems like a fairly sane and interesting guy.

The authors most commonly associated with the term are Guenon, Coomaraswamy and Schuon in some order. Of the three I find Guenon's work most interesting and meaningful, although they're all interesting in different ways. Martin Lings has a good book also called "The Underlying Religion," you can find it on libgen.

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