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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.3836592 [View]
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I like you.

>> No.3825539 [View]
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Any fans of Thomas Hardy here? Or any critics even?

He is my favourite author, I think there are few others who have such control of narrative like he does - he is able to weave fantastic threads together into a usually tragic conclusion. The Mayor of Casterbridge is his best novel, an almost Shakespearean tragedy.

>> No.3664293 [View]
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I am a huge Thomas Hardy fan and enjoy naturalist literature. It's a movement where social conditions, environments or institutions shape human character and behaviour. DH Lawrence similarly writes about such matters.

I was wondering whether there are any modern examples of this writing. The only one I can think of is non-/lit/ related which is The Wire. But wondering if there are any works of modern literature which discuss this.

>> No.3658349 [View]
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Thomas Hardy

>> No.3598279 [View]
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>Prose - 7
At times it is a little heavy-handed but often it can be quite poetical. That said, isn't the main strength of his non-poetical work.
>Narrative... - 10
This is Hardy's strength. Has an amazing ability to create a large cast and weave elaborate, moving stories from them.
>Ideas - 8
Today might not seem so unusual but for the time the ideas in his works were scandalous. His views on marriage, industrialization, education, classes was so controversial that he gave up writing novels as the criticisms were so harsh. I still think Tess is relevant today: go on /r9k/ and you still see people holding the views of some of the characters - rape can be blamed on the victim and if you're a woman and non-virgin then you're useless.

>> No.3578169 [View]
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Any Thomas Hardy fans here?

A lot of people I know dislike him, think he's either too depressing, spends all his time talking about farmers or just spends pages upon pages describing the scenery.

While I think that is true of Tess I think he is one of the masters of narrative, being able to create complex and engaging stories that provoke strong responses in the reader.

My favourite work of his is the Mayor of Casterbridge which is truly tragic.

>> No.3459809 [View]
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>Least depressing
Far From the Madding Crowd
The Woodlanders
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
The Mayor of Casterbridge
Jude the Obscure
>Most depressing

>> No.3207328 [View]
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Simple thread I have rarely seen on here.

Who is your favourite author and why?

Mine is Thomas Hardy. I just feel in terms of structure there are few comparable: he is able to manipulate the story, themes and characters and weave them together into beautiful, heart-rendering stories. My favourite work of his is The Mayor of Casterbridge which is just a masterful tragedy of one man temporarily overcoming his flaws and being this noble individual and later falling back into his old vices and losing it all.

>> No.3175835 [View]
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Sadly I haven't read the completed work of any author but Thomas Hardy is my favourite and the writer whose work I have read most of.

Thomas Hardy
>1. The Mayor of Casterbridge
>2. Tess of the D'Urbervilles
>3. Jude the Obscure
>4. The Woodlanders
>5. Far From the Madding Crowd

>> No.3117232 [DELETED]  [View]
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Usually I tend to read the most famous or acclaimed book of an author and move on, once in a while returning to that author to read more of their writing if I liked what I had read before.

But do you have any authors you feel the compulsion to read all of their work? Or any authors whose work you have completely read?

For me, I have a desire to read every Thomas Hardy novel as he never disappoints me. I am starting to develop the same for Hemingway after realising I had already read a fair few of his works.

>> No.3075002 [DELETED]  [View]
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If trips then all of /lit/ should go and read Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge next

>> No.3042597 [View]
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Mr Hardy!

>> No.3037655 [DELETED]  [View]
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>If dubs Thomas Hardy is the GOAT author

>> No.3018822 [View]
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This man knows how to rock it.

>> No.2913296 [DELETED]  [View]
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What do communists use to know which page they're at?


>> No.2375252 [View]
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Never see any discussion of my favourite author here.

What do you think of him?

If you don't recognise the picture, it's Thomas Hardy.

>> No.1931670 [View]
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Hi /lit/.
Do you like Thomas Hardy?
What's your favourite work by him?

Right now I'm reading 'Jude the Obscure' and I'm liking it.

Thanks in advance for your responses!

>> No.1573587 [View]
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That Hardy sure was funny looking

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