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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21030497 [View]
File: 1.40 MB, 1424x1062, 1654654646577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suddenly started feeling down, and I'm not sure why. It's a poignant, beautiful sadness. Bittersweet, almost. There's a tinge of relief, and maybe just the slightest miniscule of hope in it. Despite that, there are still tears building up behind my eyes.
It's like something that was once beautiful but began to rot has collapsed, and now I have the opportunity to rebuild it in the image of it's former glory.
I'm not sure what could be giving me this feeling.

>> No.21025679 [View]
File: 1.40 MB, 1424x1062, 1647764671266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fear it is only a matter of time before I do something terrible. Rather, I know that I should fear that I will do something terrible. I know that I will do something terrible unless I revert to a previous state. But I do not fear, I anticipate. This terrible thing I may do will bring me to the next chapter of my life, it will make me a new man. Maybe not necessarily a better man, but at the very least a more defined and interesting man. It will set me apart from other men. I still have second thoughts regardless. What if everything I believe and hope for is wrong? Still, to have those few minutes of glory and pleasure... and if I'm proven right?

>> No.20942440 [View]
File: 1.40 MB, 1424x1062, 1632704231717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When i go days at a time just sitting around browsing the internet, sometimes i think "ok im going to close the internet right this second" but then i think "what am i going to do then?" and i find my responses disturbingly lacking
>also I am disturbed that browsing the internet has become my "default state" so to speak. whenever im not reading or engaged in some activity, im browsing the internet
literally me. other than read a book or play games I have nothing else to do. I have no friends and I can't make any. Just like you I'm also not that interested in video games anymore and there's only so much I can read in a day. If I were to get off the internet there would be literally nothing for me to do. I could touch grass, maybe, but I find it hard to socialize and relate to anybody.

>> No.20839753 [View]
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I know it's time to make a new thread, but let's not do that, maybe /wwoym/ should perish, or at least rest for a while.

>> No.20774585 [View]
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I'm probably a lot less meek and pathetic than I think I am, seeing as how some people have actually taken me seriously at various points in time. I hope I don't get into a habit of successfully intimidating people. My belief was that I was always the "you won't do shit" guy, but some of my friends have cut off contact with me because they seem to think I'm dangerous. It's not like I threatened them or anything, but maybe they just don't want to be associated with me.

>> No.20468692 [View]
File: 1.40 MB, 1424x1062, 1652188915204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I no longer read. I no longer write. I don't even play video games anymore. I just browse this stupid fucking website. Sometimes I think about destroying my PC so I can do something with my life but then I'll just use my phone or laptop to get back to this shithole. I've left this website before, spent like a year away from it, but was drawn back. Anything is more productive than spending my life on the internet, but I'm fucking hooked. It's like there are physical wires coming out of my skull and they're hooked up to my PC. If I get to far away those wires pull me back. I need to go far enough away so that those wires get pulled out. But I have no where to go to. Always waiting for some "grand revelation" that will give me motivation to do what I want in life and break me free from all these bad habits. I've been waiting for years. It's not gonna come. I fucking hope this place gets shut down some day. But that won't really solve anything. I need to get off this website myself.

>> No.20458396 [View]
File: 1.40 MB, 1424x1062, 1633252714051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of guys who have fetishes are into really extreme version of those fetishes. Which is why there are so many of those weird videos. I think society in general has gotten both more lazy and more extreme. People either don't care enough to put in basic effort or they have some weird compulsion and overindulge in whatever they're doing. Not to say that normal shit doesn't exist anymore, it certainly still does, it's just a lot less common. Because of all this overindulgence and overconsumption in today's society normal shit is considered boring nowadays. People can hardly be bothered to give a shit about someone's mundane life. Older people talk about the most "boring" shit because their brains aren't fried and they can value reasonable things in life. But social media and all that has made the younger generation hooked on extremes. I think that's part of the reasons why there are so many incels and also why incels are so hated. They're left out because they aren't extreme enough in an attractiveness and charisma sense, but no one wants to listen about how a guy can't get laid because that's a mundane problem. They'd rather listen to some guy who has a problem with degenerate sexual exploits just because that's something relatively novel. Books tend to be boring to some people because they're normal. No one wants to listen to Holden Caufield complain about his life, even if it's something understandable. They all want to watch larger than life heroes kill the bad guy for the hundredth time or insert themselves in a fantasy where they get a harem and magical powers. They can't even have normal fantasies like finding a girl who loves them for who they truly are.

>> No.20338681 [View]
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I can see how race might make someone more predisposed towards certain behaviors but can you explain how a zodiac sign might? What month someone is born in would at most have a minor effect on their early childhood physique. I don't see how it would shape someone's lifelong personality.
For example, I'm a male libra, just like Neetchud. Sources that describe horoscope personalities are all vague and inconsistent, but there seems to be a general consensus that libras are extraverted and want people to get along. But that's not me at all - I'm an introverted bitter incel that frequently lashes out at anyone that does manage to force me into a social situation. I'm friends with two other male libras who are also extremely introverted, although they aren't anywhere near as violent as me. So either me and my two friends are defective (which constitutes as every libra I know personally), or the magical star daddies don't actually determine your personality. Which is it?

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