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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4978907 [View]
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Some book based off this movie I just saw...

>> No.4579118 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 18 KB, 200x300, endersgame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the last 90 pages and I just don't get what all the hype is about.
It's well written but it's not amazing. It's interesting but not a page turner.

It's pretty much just a political/social commentary and it's not even subtle. It had some good moments but overall I was not impressed and everyone says this is the best the sci-fi genre has to offer.

To be completely honest 100% not baiting or trolling I remember when I was reading the Eragon series I was looking forward to my free time eagerly so I could read more but right now it feels like I'm slogging through enders and I'm going to slog through the film.

Am I missing something about this book that makes it worthy of being called the greatest sci fi of all time? I want to love it, but right now I barely like it.

>> No.4058874 [View]
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I still like it, I think /lit/ has a bit of a case of "I'll hate on it because it's popular and babby's first sci-fi novel"

>> No.4032858 [View]
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So, /lit/, what is your opinion on Orson Scott Card?
Personally, I found Ender's Game to be unremarkable in most aspects, and when I found out about how much of a moron he is when it comes to politics, I have very little love for him.

>> No.4012116 [View]
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Just read this. Masterpiece. Will definitely pick up the sequels.

Only thing I dont get is how exactly Peter got into power, with the Warsaw Pact and the Hegemony and all that shit. I tried to understand but its all political mumbo jumbo to me. Can someone explain it?

>> No.3929105 [DELETED]  [View]
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/pol/-/k/ frequenter here

one of your own recommended that i visit you after he/she created a LOTR thread on /pol/ to discuss its racial interpetation..

What do you guys think about Ender's Game?

I know it is a children's book, but it had a large impact on me as a child.

I am not exaggerating when i say the following about my experience watching the trailer of the big screen adaptation (that i had NO IDEA was being made... i mostly read and pay not attention to movies)

>This is the ONLY trailer that has actually made me sob..

Not because it looked bad, the trailer is somewhat well done (aside from changing the sex/ethinicity of Anderson and Rackham<-- supposed to be a Jew)

What is /lit/'s opinion of this book?

Thanks in advance for any input received, good or ill..

>> No.3755868 [View]
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Where does /lit/ stand on my three favorite books?
Ender's Game
The Princess Bride

>> No.3735738 [View]
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Oh god what have they done

>> No.3598472 [View]
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I'm after reading "Ender's Game"and "Speaker of the Dead"
Orson Scott Card says if you read the novels in chronological order or the order they were written in you'll be fine.
I was curious if it would be more advantageous to read it chronologically as opposed to the order in which he wrote the series.
help me out /lit/

>> No.3571348 [DELETED]  [View]
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Alright /lit/, show me some good science fiction literature.

Pic related I suppose.

>> No.3477483 [View]
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What am I reading /lit/?

>> No.3331976 [View]
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Ender's game is a good book.

>> No.3172705 [View]
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Whats sci fi novels are you reading /lit/ whats is /lit/'s favorite?

I just finished enders game the other day, I nearly came on the bus when i got to the twist.

>> No.3028994 [View]
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I never enjoyed reading. In high school, I tried reading Harry Potter, John Sandford's Rules of Prey, a few other things that I cant remember. I found all of it boring. That was until one day in high school, an English teacher recommended me Ender's Game. That was the day I realized that it was possible for me to enjoy reading novels. It was the only book I have read that sucked me in to where I couldn't put it down. World of Warcraft took up all of my free time in high school, so I never really pursued any new books to read since then. Nowadays, between work and classes. I noticed I've had a lot of free time. So what can /lit/ recommend me that is in the Sci/Fi genre. If it's any help, I fucking loved the Mass Effect video games, so maybe something along the lines of humans and aliens living amongst each other could provide a little more insight.

>> No.3019526 [View]
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ender's game is a shitty, overrated book

prove me wrong

>> No.2881960 [View]
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hey /lit/, can you recommend me some babby's first sci-fi?

I just finished Ender's Game and I really enjoyed it

as I understand it, most of Orson Scott's books are good, should I just dive into them?

>> No.2793831 [DELETED]  [View]
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I'm hoping that someone here knows how I can contact Orson Scott Card, the author of Ender's Game. I tried looking on his website, and the faculty directory for SVU to no avail. Please help me out.

>> No.2793825 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hey /b/ros. I'm hoping that someone here knows how I can contact Orson Scott Card, the author of Ender's Game. I tried looking on his website, and the faculty directory for SVU to no avail. Please help me out.

>> No.2631654 [View]
File: 18 KB, 200x300, endersgamemuchfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A question on the monomyth has been plaguing me lately. Can a hero have more than one mentor/guide?

What are your thoughts, /lit/?

>> No.2502397 [View]
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>tfw the film adaptation will skip over the dreams and psychological themes and add a romance subplot in their stead

>> No.2498889 [View]
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Orson Scott Card.

"It's okay to wipe out an entire civilization as long as it's for the greater good."

>> No.2377668 [View]
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What is /lit/'s opinion on Ender's Game?

>> No.2360838 [View]
File: 18 KB, 200x300, endersgame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is /lit/'s opinion of Ender's Game? I'm about to start reading it and I've heard there are several books that take place after it too.

Worth the read or should I skip it?

>> No.2291707 [View]
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I thoroughly enjoyed the whole series when I was younger.
The backstory alone is phenomenal and character development was excellent.

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