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>> No.16945561 [View]
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why are we even having this thread? there's an obvious answer to what you should read, keeping >>16945113 in mind
shit-tier takes

>> No.16825979 [View]
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i don't know and who cares. You could make an argument for anything really and then you'll have a bunch of people saying that he would have thought it was decadent and they'd be just as right as you are.
With that said he would listen to krautrock. specifically neu

>> No.16703548 [View]
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Complete fucking retard
Nietzsche did not believe life was meaningless. He believed life itself was the meaning.
>"When one places life’s center of gravity in the “beyond”—in nothingness—one deprives life of its center of gravity altogether."
The affirmation of life is accepting life itself, life in all its struggle and pain, in its peaceful splendor, in its drunken ecstasy, accepting it all as meaning.
From there you are able to go out and find your own meaning for your life. But at its core life is meaningful. It just isn't some singular, "objective" meaning that can be succinctly put in a dictionary.

>> No.16664025 [View]
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what are you even talking about you fucking retard?
>today's Ubermenschen are camwhores, BLM activists and communists
Have you ever read Nietzsche? Camwhores are the only thing listed here that could even be possibly considered master morality, but that would still be a stretch. BLM activists and communists are both slave moralist herd animals, the spawn of Christian morality and the evolution of what Nietzsche directly attacks in Genealogy.
How can you have such a fundamental misunderstanding of his philosophy? I'm not even right wing and I don't think you can classify Nietzsche as right wing either (if you did it would be a misleading simplification) but he is explicitly anti-liberalism and on multiple occasions goes on rants against socialism. He hated collectivist ideology.
Nietzsche's whole goal was to negate nihilism.
And the Dionysian is not about sex. It's like you haven't even read Birth of Tragedy.
Somehow more of a retard than OP
> Everything you mentioned is the offspring of christianity
Yes, closest person to being right in this thread.

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