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>> No.23413624 [View]
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Third and final time posting this before hunkering down and reworking everything this weekend. Just wanted some last final critiques.

“Immeasurable. Absolute. Fortified. Yet maintains a saccharine and vibrant atmosphere?“ the Magnoid ponders.
“Would you consider this plausible?“ the windbreaker clad gentlemen asks.
“IM” snorts the magnoid.
“Your so called bachelor pad is 2.5 Kilometers along all axes, kept afloat by the strongest modern propulsors. Where would we land this to even begin our work? Is the size not enough of a deterrent for any would be criminals? There are too many variables to consider here, Vox.“
“Mighlin, Did you not receive a 45 million Vellat payment BEFORE THE MEETING? Do I seem like I enjoy lightening my accounts by one one thousandth out of pleasure? Do the job, doesn't matter how long it takes, solve those variables, and you'll receive the other 55 Million Vellai upon completion.“
“The attitude is unnecessary, place yourself in abeyance and I may consider contemplating where to begin.“
“Thats all I wanted to hear. One moment while I set up the gateway.“

Snapping his left middle finger and thumb, a swirl of ultramarine nothingness appears in front of him. Placing his right palm in the center of the swirl, a door seemingly made of frosted glass opens itself. Within it lies a seaside room, he takes one step in.
“Yo Migh, rough estimate?“
“Assuming I start any time soon, about 55 years.“

Vox pulls a small blue and white marblesque orb and tosses it towards Mighlin. A Chromium palm shoots towards the orb, catching it gently.
“Vox, just because you produce these things doesn't mean you should be reckless.“
“I appreciate your concern, Migh. Fortunately they do not shatter unless meant to. Now… shatter that one once you're done.“

Placing his other foot inside the doorway, the doors frame vibrates into an ultramarine swirl, returning to nothingness.

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