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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17158421 [View]
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Do you even know what assets are, fuckwit? If you are married and own a house and two cars you are probably already at 750k (depending on where you live and the value of your house and the income of the two of you). On top of this, if you aren't a complete retard (which seems like you are) you should have some sort of retirement fund or a 401k that'll bring you closer to the goal. At that point, the rest of your assets are literally everything else you own, including computers, clothes, electronics, etc. It is not hard to be a millionaire, but unfortunately this country is infested with financially illiterate fucktards like yourself who probably got into hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt getting some stupid art degree no one gives a fuck about, buying the new iPhone or getting a brand new car every 5 years.

Let me guess and correct me if I'm wrong, but you are probably some 20-something year old who just got out of college, probably unemployed due to the pandemic or working somewhere shitty like Starbucks. You have no useful or marketable skills other than bringing food to the table, and you think it's the government's responsibility, and not your own, to become financially healthy and expect handouts at every turn. Your parents were probably as financially retarded as you were so you know have this defeatist, woe is me attitude that you'll never have any amount of wealth.

Stop being a fag, learn a useful skill, learn how to balance your budget, and get the fuck out of debt. Since you're on /lit/, read The Total Money Makeover and Everyday Millionaires, it'll probably change your life. But I know you won't do that. I know you won't take any responsibility for your own life, nor your finances, and find it easier to just shitpost on social media about how bad capitalism is, how Biden should cancel all of your student debt and landlords are evil and rent should be cancelled. Please either grow some balls or kill yourself you complete fucking waste of oxygen, I hope you drown in all your fucking debt while I'll be reaping the rewards of my assets, my Roth and my hard work while you depend on food stamps and social security in your golden years.

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