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>> No.21334340 [View]
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Modern fantasy art is the product of an entire generation of "artists" raised on JRPG's, capeshit and world of warcraft and its korean mmo imitators. The world they imagine in their heads resembles little like the fantasy worlds of old; instead of thinking of great valleys and forests, rolling hills and thatched villages, tribes of fur clad barbarians, kings and soldiers in mail and plate, seedy foggy cities, streets full of peasants and workers and rogues with swords and bucklers at their sides, the odd hooded elf in a darkened corner, a few dwarf traders boasting to each other in an inn, the sight of a wizards tower in a moss covered glen, strange ruins filled with treasure, danger, adventure, wonder. No. Modern fantasy is a fantasy seattle; magic and wizardry at every corner, freakshit races abundant, adventurers guilds, women warriors with dyed purple mohawks wielding 8 foot long greatswords with ease, critical role le random xd gnomes and halflings. These people have never viewed the old art that made D&D and other RPG's truly special, if they did then no doubt they called it "dated" or "not diverse enough". These are people who have never read actual history; they've never seen an actual arming sword or suit of armour; in real life or in a book. They've never read a fairy tale; they've never read any of the works of Lovecraft or Howard or Dunsany or Leiber or Tolkien or Wagner or Ashton Smith. It's the product of a whole generation of people who learned to become artists by buying a drawing pad and imitating their favourite deviantart e celeb drawings; they drew fantasy because they saw a game of critical role on youtube and thought it was random and epic. World of Warcraft and Goblin Slayer replaced Conan and Fafhrd

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