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>> No.12367400 [View]
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d'awww. i missed this place. here, have a track i was saving for a Cosmotech return thread. don't worry, there's always more of these

Tom Waits: New Coat of Paint

some kind anon uploaded Negarestani's book, there was nothing i wanted to read more than that. a couple more months until Yuk Hui's next one, that will be good. trying to think what else has been blowing my mind. finally making nice with Frithjof Schuon was good.

also i've been playing a lot of Metal Gear Solid 5, which is scary fucking addictive. god i love Kojima so much. so so much. he is the fucking greatest. not exactly Cosmotech but that game just does not disappoint. the greatest 'deconstruction' of action movies ever - if we take 'deconstruction' to mean, 'helps you to understand a genre, takes nothing off the table, and generally enriches your perspective on art while making you love humanity.' so not really deconstruction. just auteurs being auteurs and making art/cinema/virtual reality great again

i love you hideo
you bring joy into my life

who's JP? Peterson? i don't think i write like him. i am also coming around to Jung a little bit tho too, mainly from this. maybe it's just a mind game i am playing with myself, but i was on a real See Mandalas Everywhere trip a while back that really pushed me into unironic love of perennial philosophy.

the brief recap on this: a mandala is a symbol of wholeness (and i like wholeness). it also seems to me that a mandala also resembles both a lotus and a rose, which are signs of...well, all that mandalas are signs of, both east and west. and you see these patterns not only in things like the Rose Window, but also in the Round Table of the Arthurian myths, as well as everywhere in Tibetan thought. i was never really a big Jung guy before, but i don't think i was ever really out on Joseph Campbell, if only because the monomyth strikes me as being somehow fundamentally true: after all, three-act dramatic writing *works* regardless of content. you can be writing unironic Fascist agitprop, unironic Soviet Realism or those horrible rom-coms that come out at Christmas, and they all follow the same structure. that is enough to sell me on fundamental structure in narrative, and it's a short step from there to every form of mystical experience on earth, psychically rendered.

maybe you think i write like him because we have the same feelings about the shortcomings of academic Marxism, or some sense about liberal culture today? it could be. i do admire the man, especially the rivers of shit he wades through when dealing with critics. he thinks silly things about philosophers i like, but that doesn't matter all that much. he knows something is rotten in the state of Denmark today, i have similar feelings. also he uses capital letters and proper punctuation when he tweets. and he has a clean room, unlike me.

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