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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4132790 [View]
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So, today I finally visited the bookstore to buy some shit.
Well, I finally bought the Saxon Stories books that was missing in the collection.
Bought Dan Brown's Inferno too.

But I had doubts on the buying of The Name of The Wind and The Black Magician Trilogy. I choose to go with The Name of The Wind because in the cover, they quoted George R. R. Martin licking the balls of this.

I saw some good comments about both of the books and now I want to know which you guys think is better.

>> No.3999329 [View]
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So I'm going to the US in a week and I just finished the book, The Way of Kings, I was supposed to take with me.

So I'm looking for something in the same vein as it and picture related (The Name of the Wind).

Now, I did check out the wiki and noticed the Malazan books recommended, which I didn't particularly like. Granted it's been a while, but I remember it not really catching my attention.

So I'm looking at the Mistborn Series. Are they worth getting into?

>> No.3894011 [View]
File: 40 KB, 600x392, The_Name_of_the_Wind_by_MarcSimonetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your favourite fantasy books, authors or subgenres.

>> No.3599371 [View]
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>> No.2755743 [View]
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So I'm trying to find some new fantasy to get into, just got done with the first 2 books in Kingkiller Chronicles and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I tried to get into Codex Alera a while back but I found it to be kind of awful.

Currently looking into The First Law trilogy, The Witches of Eileanan and The Curse of Chalion, however not sure which one I should try my luck with?

>> No.2735155 [View]
File: 40 KB, 600x392, kvothe01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /lit, it has been a while. What are your thoughts on The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss?

>> No.2725023 [SPOILER]  [View]
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What are some of /lit/'s favorite scenes in what they've read? Regardless of whatever mood or type.

Mine has to be the scene of Kvothe winning his pipes. It's probably not the most epic scene I've ever read but there's something about how it plays out. Whenever I think about it, it makes me want to re-read through The Name of the Wind if only to get to that scene.

>> No.2013148 [View]
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What are your thoughts and opinions on the Kingkiller Chronicles? I'm currently more than halfway through the first book, I found it heavily enjoyable, though I'll admit confusing at certain times. The character development of Kvothe is some really intense shit, I teared up once while reading the part where he remembers his parents

What about you, /lit/?
Thoughts. Opinions.

>> No.1795276 [View]
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/lit/ I bought a PRS-350 for super cheap ($35, 2nd hand store) a couple weeks ago and blazed through Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss.

I've got me a craving for fantasy and ebooks, what would /lit/ recommend? epub format is preferred but not necessary, I can always convert with Calibre.

>> No.1750415 [View]
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Have any of you on /lit/ read the new "Kingkiller Chronicle" by Patrick Rothfuss?

It is in the opinion of myself (and many others) that this series is one of the best of the high fantasy genre that we have seen in the past 20 years.


>> No.1712438 [View]
File: 40 KB, 600x392, filler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /lit/,

The one area of the literary arts I have almost no experience with is poetry (epic poems notwithstanding I've read enough of those).
I'd like to dig in to a decent cross section of what constitutes the "best" poetry and/or poets to get a feel for the genre (is poetry a genre?).

Anthologies or collections are welcome as are works by single authors if you think theyre that important. Era isn't important, I'm down for the classics, but I suppose I have an "idea of poetry" built around modern poets as opposed to classical ones, so maybe I should start there, I dont know.

I'm trying to avoid the pretentious-moron route and just hurr durr'ing down to my bookstore, picking up some Frost or whatever and calling myself "cultured". I cant imagine just picking up Hegel or "Ulysses" without having at least some philosophic/literary foundation and I'm assuming poetry is the same.

All help appreciated.

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