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>> No.21869351 [View]
File: 1.75 MB, 1244x1705, God_the_Geometer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's only one God

>> No.19663998 [View]
File: 1.75 MB, 1244x1705, God_the_Geometer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

note the compass, note the splotch that looks suspiciously like a mandelbrot. these people wish only to serve themselves by building their faux god. I have seen the beast they build, a vast massive hairy monstrosity, an enormous tower, which man or things that were once men seek to climb, to raise themselves above all other men, and as i felt myself pinched and thrown from this fur, i saw its true face, an enormous beastman, whose body is this tower, whereupon man squirms as a flea, and with an old cackling crowned face he waits at the top to throw down all who seek to usurp him.
>t. gnostic faggot who didn't learn his lesson from the fall
this is you: HURR DURR god don't want me to eat the fruit of knowledge for its divine powers will make me as though i were a god, and to think as one, thus corrupting inevitably my fleshy body which is meant only to be the temple of the holy spirit and the soul which he hath bequeathed unto me! WHOOPS. dun et it! LOOOOOL. oh shit, god's pissed. i wonder why! guess i better start worshiping knowledge to get him to forgive me! surely that'll work!

boy howdy, and I'M the retard? such a shame.
you know you can't take knowledge with you, right? when you die, you fucking die IRL, and all that you KNOW is stripped from you, haven't you seen a man die? does he know himself, who he is? his children's faces, his own? to think that god will not rip from you the stolen fruit, despite your attempting to digest it and squirrel it away, utter hubris.
it's in the fuckin name, you dumbass.
here's a very simple definition ripped straight from the net. first fuckin definition, now!
a prominent heretical movement of the 2nd-century Christian Church, partly of pre-Christian origin. Gnostic doctrine taught that the world was created and ruled by a lesser divinity, the demiurge, and that Christ was an emissary of the remote supreme divine being, esoteric knowledge (gnosis) of whom enabled the redemption of the human spirit.

Placing knowledge thus before Christ, before god. I don't know how much more clear it can be for anyone not to be this way, or to embrace these people in any sense. I guess you must yourself be one, coping to the max. I tell you though you have taken the oath, which christ himself explicitly suggested you avoid ever taking in any context, that you can still come back, you can still renounce foul satan and worship god alone, god who is not knowledge or logic or reason or anything by which you can separate or divide or calculate. god is god. and not the word "god", THE god.
>inb4 but he said he was the word
he said he was Logos, not the word. the reason himself, not to be worshipped as the reason, but god alone, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. to try to rationalize god for anyone is to demean him, for they are self evident.
hey man, don't look at me, i guess check out the bible, listen to your heart and stuff, i donno.

>> No.19484052 [View]
File: 1.75 MB, 1244x1705, 1636262099154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The surviving fragments of the poems of the classical Greek philosopher Xenophanes of Colophon suggest that he held views very similar to those of modern monotheists. [...] Xenophanes's theology appears to have been monist, but not truly monotheistic in the strictest sense.[19] Although some later philosophers, such as Antisthenes, believed in doctrines similar to those expounded by Xenophanes, his ideas do not appear to have become widely popular.
> Although Plato himself was a polytheist, in his writings, he often presents Socrates as speaking of "the god" in the singular form. He does, however, often speak of the gods in the plural form as well.
> "The One" (Τὸ Ἕν) is a concept that is prominent in the writings of the Neoplatonists, especially those of the philosopher Plotinus.[156] In the writings of Plotinus, "The One" is described as an inconceivable, transcendent, all-embodying, permanent, eternal, causative entity that permeates throughout all of existence.
> Sol Invictus? I'm not sure if this counts actually.
> Mithraism?
> The imported Abrahamic religions which blossomed into the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant Churches
> The Deism of the Enlightenment
> The Egyptians and Atenism
> The Himba people of Namibia practice a form of monotheistic panentheism, and worship the god Mukuru.
> The Igbo people practice a form of monotheism called Odinani. Odinani has monotheistic and panentheistic attributes, having a single God as the source of all things. Although a pantheon of spirits exists, these are lesser spirits prevalent in Odinani expressly serving as elements of Chineke (or Chukwu), the supreme being or high god.
> Waaq is the name of a singular God in the traditional religion of many Cushitic people in the Horn of Africa, denoting an early monotheistic religion. However this religion was mostly replaced with the Abrahamic religions. Some (approximately 3%) of Oromo still follow this traditional monotheistic religion called Waaqeffannaa in Oromo.
> Imana is the creator deity in the traditional Banyarwanda and Barundi religion in Rwanda and Burundi and other related ethnic groups, such as Baha in Tanzania and Banyamulenge in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In current-day usage, the term refers to God as found in Christianity. Ancient Banyarwanda and Barundi believed in one god, the creator Imana.
> Imported Abrahamic Religions which gave rise to traditions like the Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity and Jewry
>The Great Spirit, called Wakan Tanka among the Sioux, and Gitche Manitou in Algonquian, is a conception of universal spiritual force, or supreme being prevalent among some Native American and First Nation cultures. According to Lakota activist Russell Means a better translation of Wakan Tanka is the Great Mystery.

>> No.19357609 [View]
File: 1.75 MB, 1244x1705, God_the_Geometer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The surviving fragments of the poems of the classical Greek philosopher Xenophanes of Colophon suggest that he held views very similar to those of modern monotheists. [...] Xenophanes's theology appears to have been monist, but not truly monotheistic in the strictest sense.[19] Although some later philosophers, such as Antisthenes, believed in doctrines similar to those expounded by Xenophanes, his ideas do not appear to have become widely popular.
> Although Plato himself was a polytheist, in his writings, he often presents Socrates as speaking of "the god" in the singular form. He does, however, often speak of the gods in the plural form as well.
> "The One" (Τὸ Ἕν) is a concept that is prominent in the writings of the Neoplatonists, especially those of the philosopher Plotinus.[156] In the writings of Plotinus, "The One" is described as an inconceivable, transcendent, all-embodying, permanent, eternal, causative entity that permeates throughout all of existence.
> Sol Invictus? I'm not sure if this counts actually.
> Mithraism?
> The imported Abrahamic religions which blossomed into the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant Churches
> The Deism of the Enlightenment
> The Egyptians and Atenism
> The Himba people of Namibia practice a form of monotheistic panentheism, and worship the god Mukuru.
> The Igbo people practice a form of monotheism called Odinani. Odinani has monotheistic and panentheistic attributes, having a single God as the source of all things. Although a pantheon of spirits exists, these are lesser spirits prevalent in Odinani expressly serving as elements of Chineke (or Chukwu), the supreme being or high god.
> Waaq is the name of a singular God in the traditional religion of many Cushitic people in the Horn of Africa, denoting an early monotheistic religion. However this religion was mostly replaced with the Abrahamic religions. Some (approximately 3%) of Oromo still follow this traditional monotheistic religion called Waaqeffannaa in Oromo.
> Imana is the creator deity in the traditional Banyarwanda and Barundi religion in Rwanda and Burundi and other related ethnic groups, such as Baha in Tanzania and Banyamulenge in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In current-day usage, the term refers to God as found in Christianity. Ancient Banyarwanda and Barundi believed in one god, the creator Imana.
> Imported Abrahamic Religions which gave rise to traditions like the Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity and Jewry
>The Great Spirit, called Wakan Tanka among the Sioux, and Gitche Manitou in Algonquian, is a conception of universal spiritual force, or supreme being prevalent among some Native American and First Nation cultures. According to Lakota activist Russell Means a better translation of Wakan Tanka is the Great Mystery.

>> No.18982152 [View]
File: 1.75 MB, 1244x1705, Codex Vindobonensis 2554, f.1 verso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Divine Accuracy!

>> No.18184237 [View]
File: 1.75 MB, 1244x1705, God_the_Geometer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some scifi and fantasy works involving either the prevalent belief in, or the actual incontrovertible existence of, a monotheistic deity, that is not explicitly a contemporary real-world faith?

>> No.15956787 [View]
File: 1.75 MB, 1244x1705, 1588315365.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Cathobro

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