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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14964323 [View]
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meh i also stopped reading but only cause imageboards and forums fried my brain.
when i read long texts i often remember that the last 10 minutes i was just glancing text in the same paragraph and my vision goes out of focus.

On the plus side when someone´s posting something worthless or some article has some marker of shitty quality i drop it immediately. In this media landscape you need kind of a strong filter or you react like a boomer to news.

Anyone got similar experiences??

>> No.14877815 [View]
File: 997 KB, 245x180, dsda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says drug addiction can be overcome with sheer willpower
gets addicted to Benzos
>appeals to authority
denies authorites of doctors wanting him to stop
>promotes social darwinism in any form
wife gets cancer
>says woman shouldnt use make up w/o expecting getting raped
his daughter
>defends institution of church
wont say what he beliefs with any conviction
>wants be martyr of free speach
nobody got arrested for anti trans behaviour
>fights against the mighty social marxism
is funded by neocon billionairs
>says he cant respect anyone who is physically inferior to him
is handicapped the rest for his life
>his only appeal is his affluent behavior to impress midwits
gets buttblasted by Zizek so hard he fell into a coma

He´s a like shitty movie character come to life, and probably half of /pol lit/ replacement daddy. The only good point he makes is that his poetic suffering is in a way like a prove of gods existence.

>> No.14851601 [View]
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it isnt but cause it´s whoops every modernist ass thoroughly they got so butthurt they had to call everything they dont like "muh postmodernism".

It´s like people who look down on nihilism cause they cant imagine someone who can overcome it cause they cant themself with their shitty modernist 19th century philosophy.
Truths can be absolute and relative. Truths can have different scopes. Truths cant judged by the same metric in all cases.
You wont usually find people to talk about Pomo today cause of the culture war but you can use it as a plebfilter when you see someone shittalking it so it´s usefull in this context at least.

>> No.14804716 [View]
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Is there any thing more pathetic than dualists clinging on on their precious "soul".
Their butthurtness that they think they´re above the void we all arrive at in the end.
I dont think so...

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