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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22324930 [View]
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This is one of the lest intelligent and least rational boards on this site.

I've had better debates and discussions with other posters on /x/ and /his/. You're all a bunch of emotional women and pseudointellectual vain philosophers.

>> No.22223649 [View]
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I was thinking about the Irenaen theodicy recently and I thought of God as an alchemist hunched over his magnum opus, Man, carrying out each process; not experimentally but confidently, always at an epistemic distance to his creation.

>> No.14029482 [View]
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>>Wake up, stretch
>>The sunrise is so beautiful
>>Oh, it's sinking
>>Another day has passed away,
>>Gone like my hopes and dreams
>>Like all the money I had last night
>>All I'm good for is
>>Oh, that's right
>>Guess I'll just get high again
>>That's better
>>Maybe one day I'll make somebody happy
>>Besides myself
>>Too bad it's always night

>> No.12584862 [View]
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Write what's on your mind.

>> No.12524913 [View]
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Being mentally defective on an imageboard.

>> No.12136918 [DELETED]  [View]
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If god is real, is it more likely that he would want his human subjects to be peaceful or violent?
after all, violence is coded into the reality we perceive, often moreso than peace and harmony

who is to say that god wants us to be warmongering or peaceful?

>> No.11190480 [View]
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How do authors come up with ideas for their books?

>> No.9066164 [View]
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i really digged the Lolita novel by Vladimir Nabokov, does anyone know any other books quite like it?

>> No.8795336 [View]
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Just pulled the trigger on 5 Joseph Mcelroy books i have been looking for (for years. refusing to order them online because i like to hunt).

- Lookout cartridge
- Cannonball
- Night soul and other stories
- Smugglers bible
- Actress in the house
- Ancient history: a paraphrase

This is it for me lads. After these books im out of here. I have nothing left to read but obscure lit and i wont do it anymore. Time for a new hobby. I'll make some threads about each book when i'm done (which no one will reply to) and that's that. Anyone read any of these?

what are your endgame books. where will it end?

>> No.8734004 [View]
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Can I get a basic intro reading list for the Frankfurt school and prereq books, if they deal heavily with someone else (eg Freud, Marx)?

>> No.8667271 [View]
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I have this story. I have this story. I have this story. I can’t break free from it. I am woman. I am divine goddess. I am Gaia. Your mother, your sister. Your lover. I am womb. The portal to all life. Pure, consuming love. I am of this body. My supple breasts, my sturdy legs. My feet that have danced me through life. My sexuality. My heartbreak. My story. My story. My lineage. I am love. Sending love and receiving love, daily.To myself, to my tribe. To my god. In a state of continence, yes. For now. Without touching. Just to feel. Just to feel. Just to feel each other with our subtle bodies. An invitation.To be present in spirit. To connect in a field of vibration. My most invigorating work. Watching desire. Patterns of affection.Things are good as they are but desire comes, does it not? Is it safe? Tell me your dreams under fluffy down blankets. We wrap tightly into each other. Our frequencies touch. Just two months. Just two months. It is important that I reach this goal. For myself. For Gaia. For woman. For Mother. For Sister. I am harnessing my divine and sexual power. For me. To Share. One day with you. And you? You meet me with fear. With needs unmet. I am confused. I feel panicked. Trust. I had trust! Are you not practicing free love? Are you not exploring lovingly with all? Why can't we just be what we are. Love how we love. For now. Willing to wait. Willing to develop trust. Willing to love. Fully, unconditionally, openly. I am crying inside. What is the cost? What is it all worth? My body? My lips? My scent? Receive now and receive only part of me. But allow me my journey and I would be fully yours for the moment. In my power. In my full body; with you. I wanted it. I wanted it all. But I can't meet your needs. Though I stop you not from meeting them elsewhere. Please, please, please. See me once for more than my soft, youthful skin. For more than my soft youthful curves. Oh, the day when man will be able to hold me. To hold us.Sisters. For who we are. For our full selves. Unleashed, empowered. Fully open and alive. I wait for you. I wait for you. I wait for you, still.

>> No.8640087 [View]
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I had the most beautiful and positive sexual experience of my life recently, and I'm rattled. I feel like I've missed a certain emotional or even sensual component of sex for a long time, like I've been too emotionally immature to handle it.
Is there any book that deals with something akin to this? It feels almost like the antithesis of sexual experience/desire as portrayed by good old Henry Miller, if that helps.
tl;dr anon had a positive interaction with a female and can't process it or something like that

>> No.8616611 [View]
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Being the creative type I am, I'm not usually much for the art of the written word, albeit I do in some cases spew out the occasional creepypasta or fanfiction. A man by the name of Frank Muller, however, in the Far Lands of the Internet, has taken the written word to the next level. Now before I go on, yes, this guy writes stories, no, they are not about made up stuff, they are based on his family life, and yes, he is one of those guys that includes eroge in his family stories.

But that's the interesting part: not ONLY does he tell stories of his OWN SIBLINGS INCLUDING HIMSELF BOFFING EACH OTHER AS A ROUTINE CHORE (said siblings happen to be around 10-12 years old by the way; according to his mother it is a "safe" and "natural" way to teach "adults in training" how to be proper adults in the future and it was also *healthy* for them which is actually %80 true because there ARE some benefits of sexual activity), BUT HIS PARENTS ACTUALLY ENCOURAGE IT!

First I need to rant, I just have to: ALL my life I have wondered what sex is like; I am 20 years old and I still have yet to know the joy of popping a cherry. Yes I know, I fail at life, but unfortunately I didn't exactly have the same poppy-dotted field to trot through as everyone else did; the closest I ever got to copping a feel were two things: my first kiss on my 14th birthday, and a girl I met at the hospital who whenever she was around me, always had a case of the Frisky Whiskers, if you know what I'm sayin', but since public outlets strictly prohibit sexual activity in places where everyone can see you, I never got the chance.
Without furry adudes, allow me to get to the story I was talking about. One of his *many* stories on his (only) webpage is titled "Yes Papa" and it starts with the tale of his son Mike getting busy with himself in the shower before he has to get dressed for a meeting at work. As I read on, he eventually got to where one of his daughters, Cindi, entered the room (completely bare I forgot to add! This is a weird family...) apparently headed for the shower herself. As she walks in, Frank grabs her by the arm and says "Cindi, could you go help out your brother in there?" "Yes Papa" she says. The text file then says she goes in there, pulls the shower curtain revealing her all-too-excitable brother enjoying himself, albeit a little startled....and then they......

Can we just stop for a minute to acknowledge the fact that this is a story in which a teenager and a TEN YEAR OLD ARE BUMPING ADAMS AND EVES IN THERE? Add to the fact that their father is in no way shocked by this, but in fact considers this a good way to excersise! Then again, I can't really blame them. They always say, "start them young" and with good reason; you start teaching kids things early, they don't look like retards later on in life. Still though, the morale alignment of one's opinion on this is still debatable at best and may still remain to be seen. All I know is, Adam and Eve did it too.

>> No.7296470 [View]
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>"Each step modern society takes toward "liberation" is one more step toward alienation and meaninglessness. The excesses that characterize contemporary life (alcoholism, drugs, sex, work itself) are nothing but doomed attempts to overcome inner emptiness. Values, institutions, behaviors, are everywhere corrupted, debased, crumbling. Nothing, in this world, is worthy of survival; destruction is its deserved fate. Faced with this condition, the "differentiated man", "the anarchist of the Right", the "active nihilist", has only one choice: to totally reject worldly endeavors (including politics: apoliteia) and instead to concentrate on inner pursuits. For such a man, the search for his true nature is the only possible imperative."

>not riding the tiger

It's like you want the kali yuga to destroy your soul

>> No.6992845 [View]
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>> No.6779825 [View]
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Rate this literature.

>> No.6759297 [View]
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i hear you guys like read books like. you tell me now why you think there is no god and america deservesa be reduced to the by-the-book marxist communism of north korea.

>> No.6671298 [View]
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If you truly believed in the philosophical worldview you allegedly espouse, you would live according to it 100% of the time instead of slothing around on the internet and giving it occasional lip praise on an image board.

>> No.6249229 [View]
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le passeur assholes

>> No.5950557 [View]
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What are some ways to learn Latin today?

>> No.5940424 [DELETED]  [View]
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>this is not some sci-fi rambling, this is a serious question for a discussion:

Mankind will never invent a time-machine, because if it would somewhere in the future, then we would have been already visited by those people

>> No.5903465 [View]
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Synesthesia (also spelled synæsthesia or synaesthesia; from the Ancient Greek σύν syn, "together", and αἴσθησις aisthēsis, "sensation") is a neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.[1][2][3][4] People who report such experiences are known as synesthetes.

Difficulties have been recognized in adequately defining synesthesia:[5][6] many different phenomena have been included in the term synesthesia ("union of the senses"), and in many cases the terminology seems to be inaccurate. A more accurate term may be ideasthesia.

In one common form of synesthesia, known as grapheme → color synesthesia or color-graphemic synesthesia, letters or numbers are perceived as inherently colored.[7][8] In spatial-sequence, or number form synesthesia, numbers, months of the year, and/or days of the week elicit precise locations in space (for example, 1980 may be "farther away" than 1990), or may appear as a three-dimensional map (clockwise or counterclockwise).[9][10]

Only a fraction of types of synesthesia have been evaluated by scientific research.[11] Awareness of synesthetic perceptions varies from person to person.[12]

Although synesthesia was the topic of intensive scientific investigation in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was largely abandoned by scientific research in the mid-20th century.[13] Psychological research has demonstrated that synesthetic experiences can have measurable behavioral consequences, and functional neuroimaging studies have identified differences in patterns of brain activation.[8] Many find that synesthesia aids the creative process.[citation needed] Psychologists and neuroscientists study synesthesia not only for its inherent appeal, but also for the insights it may give into cognitive and perceptual processes that occur in synesthetes and non-synesthetes alike.

>> No.5040876 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hunger or Stoner?

Pls help

>> No.5013479 [View]
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"Under the sponsorship of caliph al-Ma'mun (r. 813 – 833), economic support of the House of Wisdom and scholarship in general was greatly increased. Moreover, Abbasid society itself came to understand and appreciate the value of knowledge, and support also came from merchants and the military. It was easy for scholars and translators to make a living and an academic life was a symbol of status. Wisdom was so valuable that books and ancient texts were sometimes preferred as war booty instead of other riches. Indeed, Ptolemy's Almagest was claimed as a condition for peace after a war between the Abbasids and the Byzantine Empire."

Do you know of other instances in history where this kind of exchange happened? Nations placing such value on knowledge, books, wisdom that they stop wars or do other major things either with or for other nations.

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