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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.13071201 [View]
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Me exactly
Why the fuck are our types attracted to this specific shithole, or does this place make us like this?

>> No.13028570 [View]
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>girl messages you with heart eyes
>never reply after that
why do they do this bros

>> No.11459589 [View]
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>> No.10572036 [View]
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>there are no more books
I knew what I was getting into when I picked up Children, but it hurts to see it spelled out.

>> No.6355537 [View]
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>tfw Computer Science major
> won multiple state-level science fairs when younger
> prestigious research opportunity at top-5 university for TWO summers in a row, beating out even those with connections
> taught myself from a Harvard list of classes required to graduate by topic

flash forward

> turning 17
> starting to lose interest, but keep going
> in the meantime, teach myself art history and drawing, but also lots of video games because I was lonely
> turn 18
> passion mostly gone
> study music theory intensively, relearn piano from when I was younger and learn some Scriabin sonatas, compose a bit, study music theory thoroughly from 1600ish to today
> turn 19
> get into literature
> currently spend 8-10 hours a day in uni library reading at least 2-3 books a day of high literary merit
> teaching myself Greek and Latin, brushing up on french and reading french literature like Corneille, Racine, Voltaire, Moliere
> finally decided I want to be either a priest/monk or writer, probably the former

> tfw haven't told dad yet
> probably going to go for a double major in CS / Literature
> he wouldn't let me go for a Philosophy major because I said something about why his Reagan rhetoric about Marxism was overly simplified or something, and he works for the government and won't stand of that sort

I honestly have no idea what I should do at this point. I feel I'm being really wishy washy in life, but I'm also recently turned 19 and I'm approaching the point in my life where I just need to pick something and go with it. I am very jealous of people around me without ambition, or those who are fine doing one thing for their whole lives. I really, really wish I could be like that

>> No.6352000 [View]
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>he has 100,000 fans
>such obscure, many hipster

>> No.6271307 [View]
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>> No.6220010 [View]
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>Decent imitation.

>> No.4457614 [View]
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Haven't read Da Vinci Code but my answer would have to be Angels & Demons

>Vittoria was steaming now, but the first faint hints of an exasperated smile appeared on her lips. "For your information, professor, my next experiment will make scientific history. I plan to prove neutrinos have mass."
>"Neutrinos have mass?" Langdon shot her a stunned look. "I didn't even know they were Catholic!"
>With one fluid motion, she was on him, pinning him down. "I hope you believe in life after death, Robert Langdon." Vittoria was laughing as she straddled him, her hands holding him down, her eyes ablaze with a mischievous fire.
>"Actually," he choked, laughing harder now, "I've always had trouble picturing anything beyond this world."
>"Really? So you've never had a religious experience? A perfect moment of glorious rapture?"
>Langdon shook his head. "No, and I seriously doubt I'm the kind of man who could ever have a religious experience."
>Vittoria slipped off her robe. "You've never been to bed with a yoga master, have you?"

>> No.3035419 [DELETED]  [View]
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>that feel when schizoid
>that feel when no feels
pls kill me

>> No.2886540 [View]
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>mfw i scrolled down and saw that

>> No.2875098 [View]
File: 1010 KB, 233x226, suciide.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Naruto's Naughty Nights'
By Tereza (she had her last name in Japanese characters).

I skimmed the first few pages briefly, and through the lazy grammar, clumsy spelling and the occasional scrubbed out letter where the hallmark descriptions of naruto-kun's cute lips and 'delicious' eyes that categorise the archetypal yaoi fanfiction.

They were all anime fanfiction, /lit/.


It was only then that the sun had started to rise and the room was illuminated with glittering bleach, naruto and death note posters and I could clearly make out the smirking face of asuka blown up across her chest, mocking my misguided lust.

I still fucked her, and i still don't feel clean.

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