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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19824859 [View]
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>> No.18890949 [View]
File: 231 KB, 643x537, laughing 4chan whores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we wuz faggots n shiet

>> No.13974102 [View]
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>because you're not handsome or smart or talented ;)

>> No.13956722 [View]
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Doubt as much as you like It's still the truth!
>inductivo study of jewish texts
BUT GUESS WHAT? Even If his metodology was correct (it wasn't) he would have been wrong anyway because in the first century aD the jews didn't have a close Canon of Scripture anyway!

>> No.12317882 [View]
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>Handmaiden's tale
>Brave New World

>> No.9882655 [View]
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>unironically liking nirvana past the age of 15

>> No.9768888 [View]
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Millenial here. (Born in '93)

>Most Millenials are hedonistic, middle class, addicted to browsing social media on their smartphones, and just plain ordinary.

Wow, what a hot take on a generation. I'm sure your opinion was totally informed by spending lots of time with real millenials from a variety of backgrounds, and not from you seeing portrayals in the media of what 30 and 40 somethings think of what the kids are up to these days. Yeah we get it, for at least the last five years everything from late night hosts to local newspaper articles to TV commercial has had their hacky "those crazy millenials and their smartphones, huh?" punchlines. This is an accurate observation, but it's tired and not that important. Millenials aren't some alien cyborg race, we go to school and work just like you. We fucking do stuff outside too you moron, you just don't know about what people my age did yet because you're not there and nobody's written a popular book about any of it yet.

Despite what you've seen on TV, not all millenials are priveleged white kids from the suburbs. It's ignorant to think that the current millenial archetype on a sitcom or commericial is accurate at all, as if there aren't millions of millenial rednecks, hood rats, or whatever kind of person you can think of.

>No events have defined nor influenced said generation. At best, the one event in recent memory that comes to mind is the past U.S. election--and that dead horse is still being beaten, to the point that it has now become trite.

The Iraq and Afghanistan wars
The Great Recession
First black president

>With so many indistinguishable Millenials, incidentally, how do you perceive the future of literature?

Do you know how ignorant and out of touch you sound man? Do you think this opinion could possibly be because you're personally unable to understand today's young people and you aren't trying very hard? Don't you ever think about how people have always viewed the generation after them as a bunch of faggy little sissies that are always using that damned newfnagled radio/television/video game/smartphone, and how they're always enevtually proved to be a bunch of cranky old farts who have no idea what they're talking about?

You sound like some mid to late 30 something who hates millenials because our video game consoles and cartoons are different from the ones you had as a kid and how lame and gay that must make us. Because nothing says "mature" like being proud of being older than other people, most of us moved on from that after elementary school.

Suck my millenial balls you old faggot, why don't you go watch some shitty 30 year old sitcom I've never heard of

>> No.9720331 [View]
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>this entire post
>I share a board with this wretched pleb

>> No.9713416 [View]
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>> No.9675837 [View]
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>> No.9666254 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 231 KB, 643x537, IMG_1367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw redditfags are still pushing commie propaganda here

>> No.8672880 [View]
File: 231 KB, 643x537, laugh-pepe-feelguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8390014 [View]
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I know which one you picked.

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